71) The main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the nervous system is a. serotonin. b. gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). c. glutamate. d. acetylcholine. 72) Neurons in virtually every brain area use these neurotransmitters to communicate with other neurons. They are a. glutamate and serotonin. b. gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and acetylcholine. c. glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). d. dopamine and serotonin. 73) Mobombi had completed about a quarter of the distance in the marathon in which he was a participant. Suddenly, he stumbled and fell. Despite feeling a sharp pain initially, he got up and continued to run until he completed the race. Upon crossing the finish line he fell down writhing in pain. When checked out, it was discovered that Mobombi had broken his leg. He was able to run the remainder of the marathon relatively pain free due to the release of a. neuropeptides. b. amino acids. c. endorphins. d. monoamines. 74) Which of the following is not one of the three main steps in neurotransmission? a. Reuptake b. Synthesis c. Release d. Binding 75) Alcohol and anti-anxiety drugs tend to increase the activity of which neurotransmitter? a. Acetylcholine b. Dopamine c. Serotonin d. GABA 76) Michael has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and is being treated with drugs that help to increase his levels of the neurotransmitter a. serotonin. b. dopamine. c. acetylcholine. d. GABA 77) Carson is addicted to methamphetamine, whereas Jonas is addicted to heroin. According to your text, the neurotransmitter associated with Carson’s addiction is ______________ and Jonas’s addiction is _______________. a. norepinephrine; endorphins b. anandamide; norepinephrine c. endorphins; GABA d. glutamate; anandamide 78) Which of the following examples accurately matches a neurotransmitter to behaviour? a. Lucy has schizophrenia and takes antipsychotic drugs that block dopamine. b. Randy takes a serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drug to treat his depression. c. Sean is taking a pill that says it is going to enhance memory by increasing GABA activity. d. Greta takes both morphine and codeine to help relieve the pain she has from a car accident. 79) Glutamate is to ________________ as anandamide is to _______________. a. memory enhancer; methamphetamine b. nicotine; narcotic drugs c. antianxiety drugs; SSRIs d. alcohol; marijuana 80) ______ plays a critical role as a neurotransmitter that stimulates muscles to contract. a. Acetylcholine b. GABA c. Dopamine d. Endorphin


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