solved. Question
Asked by bammy1980
1. An adult client is at the first prenatal office visit. Which diagnostic assessments will the primary health care provider use to confirm a positive pregnancy? (Select all that apply)
a. Auscultation of fetal heartbeat
b. Palpitation of fetal culture
c. Positive human chorionic growth (HCG) hormone pregnancy test
d. Verification of fetal movement by an experienced examiner
e. Visualization of the fetus via US
2. The nurse is caring for a client in active labor. The client’s birth plan states she does not want medication for plan control. What non-pharmacological comfort measures would be appropriate for nurses to implement? (Select all that apply)
a. Encourage her to remain in the side-lying position throughout the labor
b. Encourage her to message her abdomen with contractions
c. Encourage her to empty her bladder frequently
d. Provide instruction on breathing techniques
e. Ask all the family present to leave her alone so she can focus