21) Which of the following aggregate planning strategies is a demand option? A) changing price B) subcontracting C) varying production levels D) changing inventory levels E) using part-time workers 22) In aggregate planning, which one of the following is not a basic option for altering demand? A) promotion B) subcontracting C) back ordering D) pricing E) personal selling 23) Which choice below best describes the counterseasonal product demand option? A) producing such products as lawnmowers and sunglasses during the winter B) developing a mix of products that smoothes out their demands C) lowering prices when demand is slack D) using subcontractors only when demand is excessive E) the breaking of the aggregate plan into finer levels of detail 24) Which of the following statements about aggregate planning is TRUE? A) An advantage of the counterseasonal product and service mixing option is that it matches seasonal fluctuations without hiring/training costs. B) In aggregate planning, back orders are a means of manipulating supply while part-time workers are a way of manipulating product or service demand. C) A pure chase strategy allows lower inventories when compared to a pure level scheduling. D) A disadvantage of subcontracting is that it may require skills or equipment outside the firm’s areas of expertise. E) The option of varying workforce size by hiring or layoffs is used where the size of the labor pool is small. 25) Which choice best describes level scheduling? A) Daily production is variable from period to period. B) Subcontracting, hiring, and layoffs manipulate supply. C) Price points are calculated to match demand to capacity. D) Inventory goes up or down to buffer the difference between demand and production. E) Overtime is used to handle seasonal demand fluctuations. 26) Which of the following statements regarding aggregate planning is TRUE? A) In a pure level strategy, production rates or work force levels are adjusted to match demand requirements over the planning horizon. B) A pure level strategy allows lower inventories when compared to pure chase and hybrid strategies. C) Mixed strategies in aggregate planning may utilize inventory, work force, and production rate changes over the planning horizon. D) Because service firms have no inventory, the pure chase strategy does not apply. E) A disadvantage of the option of changing inventory levels is that it forces abrupt production changes. 27) In level scheduling, what is kept uniform from month to month? A) product mix B) inventory levels C) production/workforce levels D) demand levels E) sub-contracting levels 28) Which of the following is NOT consistent with level scheduling? A) varying the use of subcontracting B) finding alternative work for employees during low-demand periods C) using built-up inventory to meet demand requirements D) varying production levels and/or work force to meet demand requirements E) All of the above are inconsistent with the pure level strategy. 29) Which of the following is consistent with a pure chase strategy? A) vary production levels to meet demand requirements B) vary work force to meet demand requirements C) vary production levels and work force to meet demand requirements D) little or no use of inventory to meet demand requirements E) All of the above are consistent with a pure chase strategy. 30) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of level scheduling? A) stable employment B) lower absenteeism C) matching production exactly with sales D) lower turnover E) more employee commitment


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