141) B. F. Skinner’s approach is most open to criticism about its neglect of the importance of ________ in personality development. a. thinking b. the self c. environmental contingencies d. other people’s behaviour 142) What evidence argues most strongly against social learning theorists’ claims that observational learning is a key causal factor in personality development? a. The effects of shared environment on adult personality is weak at best. b. Researchers consistently find that adult personality is stable rather than changing. c. Conscious processing occurs more infrequently than unconscious processing. d. It is difficult to show how reciprocal determinism would exist in daily life. 143) The first major force in the field of personality psychology was a. psychoanalytic/psychodynamic. b. the trait approach. c. behaviourism. d. humanism. 144) What was the third, and some would say final, major force in the field of personality psychology? a. Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic b. Humanism c. Social learning d. Behaviourism 145) A major difference between the humanists and both the behaviourists and psychodynamic theorists is that the humanists focus on a. free will. b. the destructive side of human nature. c. unconscious information processing. d. the scientific method. 146) _______ theory is called the third force in personality theory. a. Psychoanalytic b. Neo-psychoanalytic c. Behaviourist d. Humanistic 147) Maslow and Rogers would likely disagree with Freud’s focus on a. determinism. b. the unconscious mind. c. the positive effects of society on our behaviour. d. all of the above. 148) What do Abraham Maslow’s and Carl Rogers’s theories have in common? a. They focus on unconscious motivation. b. They both fit in the learning/cognitive perspective. c. They are both stage theories. d. They believe that each human being is free to choose his or her own destiny. 149) _______________ refers to the drive to develop our innate potential to the fullest possible extent. a. The superiority complex b. The reality principle c. Self-actualization d. Locus of control 150) Humanistic psychology is to ______________ as Neo-Freudian psychology is to _____________. a. inferiority complex; unconscious drives b. locus of control; psychosexual stages c. defence mechanisms; the Oedipus complex d. self-actualization; the collective unconscious