21) The clinical features of autism usually appear prior to ________ year(s) of age. A) one B) three C) five D) seven 22) Boys are ________ as likely as females to develop autism. A) half B) just C) two times D) four times 23) The most poignant feature of autism is the child’s ________. A) ritualistic behaviour B) communication difficulties C) panic episodes D) utter aloneness 24) Children with autism are bound by ________. A) separation anxiety B) psychotic episodes C) fixed routines D) fantasy playmates 25) Up to ________ % of autistic children score in the severe to profound mentally retarded range on intelligence tests. A) 30 B) 40 C) 70 D) 90 26) Early views on autism focused on ________ as a cause of the disorder. A) genetic abnormalities B) pathological family relationships C) perceptual deficits D) early childhood illness 27) Early views on autism blamed ________ parents for causing the disorder. A) overly attached and protective B) emotionally unstable and hysterical C) overly demanding and perfectionistic D) cold, detached, and rejecting 28) Emmy takes her autistic child to a psychiatrist for an evaluation. The psychiatrist suggests that the child’s autism developed as a result of Emmy being a cold, aloof, and rejecting mother. Emmy’s autism is a defence against parental rejection. This psychiatrist is most likely a ________ theorist. A) psychodynamic B) humanistic C) cognitive-learning D) biological 29) Research has ________ supported the notion that autism in children is caused by cold, aloof, and remote parents. A) not B) partly C) mostly D) completely 30) Rachel takes her autistic child to a psychiatrist for an evaluation. The psychiatrist suggests that the child’s autism developed as a result of perceptual deficits. According to this argument, rather than associating Rachel with food, warmth, and the clothing she provides, her child focuses exclusively on the food or the clothing, and is thus unable to develop normal emotional bonds with Rachel. This psychiatrist is most likely a ________. A) psychodynamic theorist B) humanistic theorist C) cognitive-learning theorist D) biological theorist


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