
solved. Question
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Asked by kyongkorea


Bipolar disorder is chronic mood disorder characterized by a series of alternating manic, depressive, and hypomanic occurrences. It is a treatable illness noticeable by extreme mood changes, behavior energy, and thoughts less need to sleep (Rosenthal & Burchum, 2018). This mania’s symptoms include the high and lows of bipolar and depression, which can last hours, weeks, or even months. The purpose of this paper will summarize the case of a patient with Bipolar disease and select a decision for the appropriate medication and right diet for the patient.

Summary of the Given Case Study

The chosen case study is of a 26-year-old woman of Korean descent. The patient has a history of acute manic and bipolar I disorder. Generally, the bipolar, or affective disorder is characterized by recurrent episodes of mania and depression in the same patient at different times. Bipolar I characterized by episodes of acute mania and depression. The acute mania clinical features include increased energy levels, increase self-confidence, insomnia, and rapid taking. Although the etiology of bipolar remains unknown, patients with first relatives with bipolar also have a 25% risk of getting the disorder (Vieta et al., 2018).

Decision One

Lithium 300 mg po twice a day for bipolar disorder is a drug of choice for controlling acute manic episodes in patients with Bipolar disorder and long-term prophylaxis against recurrence of mania or depression. In manic patients, lithium reduces euphoria, hyperactivity, and other symptoms but does not cause sedation. Antimanic effects begin 5 to 7 days after treatment onset, but full benefits may not develop for 2 to 3 weeks. Lithium non-compliance the perceived loss can be a factor in relapse associated with bipolar (Gooding & Wolford, 2019). To make sure to do lab monitoring for lithium if this has not been done at the hospital, The side effects caused due to lithium are GI distress, polyuria, cardiac irregularities, hypotension, thyroid problems, tremors, etc. Observe this close condition monitor—a safe blood level of lithium. The patient should avoid alcohol use due to alcohol and bipolar disorder is a terrible combination. Lithium should avoid low-sodium diets and dehydration because they can increase the risk of lithium toxicity. The effect of excessive coffee consumption can be on the clinical course with bipolar disorder (Enderle et al., 2020).

Decision Two

The second treatment plan was the case study mention that she could not sleep well at night. Seroquel XL 100 mg po at bedtime might help her sleep unless other sleep medications are not effective (Research and Markets 5 C.E., 2018). To find what she was stable on at the hospital by reviewing records medications. To discuss the rationale for non-compliance to cause explanation for non-compliance and educate client drug benefit and pharmacology. Her family should discuss things to come up with a plan to compliant mediations during the family session. It is essential to reassess the patient’s level of understanding each follow-up appointment.

Decision Three

The third plan is to start the risperidone at 1 mg at bedtime. However, risperidone can increase doses depend on how the patient’s response to the medications. The provider would want to see her in a week and make sure someone is assisting take her medications. The patient must have been controlled on a medication regimen before discharge.


A treatment plan thrives, the patient and treatment members must work together to develop achievable goals. If she is noncompliant with therapy or worries about side effects, the patient must be providing education and informed the patient that the side effect could lessen in time. A bipolar disorder patient experiencing episodes is capable of functioning well in society. The disorder is more entrenched in the nervous system making it possible to successfully treat it with medication and the right diet that stabilizes the moods of a patient and psychotherapy used to help patients manage complications in life evolving from the disorder’s episodes.

Please proofreading and revise underlined section. Thank you.





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