1.1  Three Key Economic Ideas 1) Recent changes occurring within the U.S. health care system, including lower insurance reimbursement rates, have resulted in A) a growing number of doctor’s choosing to open private practices. B) more medical practices being owned by hospitals than by individual doctors. C) a majority of hospitals closing routine medical practices in order to focus only on emergency care facilities. D) a majority of doctors working directly for insurance companies. 2) In economics, choices must be made because we live in a world of A) unemployment. B) scarcity. C) greed. D) unlimited resources. 3) Which of the following statements is true about scarcity? A) Scarcity refers to the situation in which unlimited wants exceed limited resources. B) Scarcity is not a problem for the wealthy. C) Scarcity is only a problem when a country has too large a population. D) Scarcity arises when there is a wide disparity in income distribution. 4) The basic economic problem of ________ has always existed and will continue to exist. A) scarcity B) efficiency C) inflation D) recession 5) By definition, economics is the study of A) how to make money in the stock market. B) how to make money in a market economy. C) the choices people make to attain their goals, given their scarce resources.  D) supply and demand. 6) An economic ________ is a simplified version of some aspect of economic life used to analyze an economic issue. A) market B) trade-off C) variable D) model 7) Where do economic agents such as individuals, firms and nations, interact with each other? A) in public locations monitored by the government B) in any arena that brings together buyers and sellers C) in any physical location people where people can physically get together for selling goods, such as shopping malls D) in any location where transactions can be monitored by consumer groups and taxed by the government 8) The term ________ in economics refers to a group of buyers and sellers of a product and the arrangement by which they come together to trade. A) collective B) cooperative C) market D) trade-off 9) Economists assume that individuals A) behave in unpredictable ways. B) will never take actions to help others. C) prefer to live in a society that values fairness above all else. D) are rational and respond to incentives. 10) Economists assume that rational behavior is useful in explaining choices people make A) because irrational people do not make economic choices. B) even though people may not behave rationally all the time. C) because individuals act rationally all the time in all circumstances. D) even though people rarely, if ever, behave in a rational manner. 1


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