51) Albert Cohen adapted ______________ from psychiatric perspectives, using it to mean “the process in which a person openly rejects that which he wants, or aspires to, but cannot obtain or achieve.” a. interpersonal skills b. intelligence c. reaction formation d. temperament e. association formation 52) Bill C-24, known as the ____________________, was enacted in February 2002, and includes the current legal definition of an organized crime group such as a gang. a. Organized Young Offenders Bill b. Gangs and Guns Act c. Youth Criminal Groups Act d. Organized Crime Bill e. group dynamics bill 53) According to the most recent statistics available, over __________ street gangs have been identified in Canada, with an estimated ____________ members and associates operating across the country. a. 30; 1,000 b. 100; 1,000 c. 300; 11,000 d. 500; 1,500 e. 1,000; 100,000 54) In the 1930s, Clifford Shaw attempted to put his theories into practice by establishing the ______________, which sought to reduce social disorganization in transitional neighbourhoods through the creation of community committees. Shaw staffed these committees with local residents rather than professional social workers. a. Ethnographic Mapping Project b. Chicago Area Project c. Atlanta Demographic Transition Project d. St. Louis Area Community Project e. Chicago Land Relocation Project 55) One critique of the _____________________ can be found in its seeming inability to differentiate between the condition of social disorganization and the things such a condition is said to cause. a. Symbolic Interaction school of criminology b. Ecological school of criminology c. Criminal Entropy school of criminology d. Strain Resistance school of criminology e. Simple Resonance school of criminology 56) Central to the criminology of place is the ________. a. graffiti thesis b. crowded home thesis c. geographical location thesis d. vandalism thesis e. broken window thesis 57) What are the three strategies that Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) revolve around? 58) According to Robert Agnew’s General Strain Theory (GST), what must others do in order for strain to occur?.


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