51) Which is an example of a sociological perspective? a. seeing the causal link between smoking and poor health b. understanding that the roles men and women enact are rooted in biology c. understanding that there is an inextricable link between gender and sexuality d. understanding that women’s lower rates of employment and wages is related to patriarchy 52) Peter Berger believes that the sociological perspective is the a. ability to understand the dynamic relationship between individual lives and the larger society. b. ability to see the differences between personal troubles and social issues. c. ability to see the strange in the familiar and the general in the particular. d. the systematic study of human interactions. 53) Where is most of the world’s wealth held? a. North b. South c. East d. West 54) According to Harold Innis, Canadian society seems to have been partly defined by a. the use of two distinct languages. b. the understanding that Canada is not a major economic force. c. the unique landscape. d. the small population in comparison to the size of the land. 55) Mead believed that the self is formed through a. negotiating conflict. b. communication. c. parental authority. d. peer reflection. 56) Herbert Blumer’s contribution to sociology was his a. analysis of the self. b. looking glass theory. c. analysis of meaning, language, and thought. d. discussion of anomic suicide. 57) In The Prince Machiavelli argued that a. human behaviour is motivated by self interest and a desire for material gain. b. human beings were able to understand the world through rational reflection. c. techniques used in the hard sciences to explain the physical world should be applied to the social world as well. d. ideas are not innate and that all knowledge is the result of experience. 58) Karl Marx believed that people are a. cooperative by nature. b. powerful. c. naturally competitive. d. in need of strong-handed laws. 59) Which of the Revolutions do Sociologists argue has had the biggest effect on society? a. the industrial revolution b. the political revolution c. the scientific revolution d. the communicative revolution 60) _____________ asserted that ideas are not innate and that all knowledge is the result of experience. a. John Locke b. Jean-Jacques Rosseau c. Thomas Hobbes d. Rene Descartes


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