solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by rmpfarrt
PLEASE help me define some of these!
the nursing process and how it applies to patient situations- understand what the nurse is doing during for the patient during these pieces of the nursing process
What are health risks?
 the different roles of the nurse as advocate, educator, and manager. What do these roles look like in terms of patient care ?
SMART goals what are the components when are you making these goals with your patients?
Apply the concepts of malpractice, negligence, false imprisonment, assault, libel, slander to patient care scenarios
licensure—who licenses the nurse, who can take it away, are the licensure requirements different in different states?
Phases of the legal process
AIDET what are the pieces of this greeting and how does it work with patients
Pain assessments and interventions
Safety of PCA pump use
Physiological changes of aging that are normal or expected not a disease process a part of normal aging