31)Which of the following is a major difference between the cohort born between the World Wars, the inter-war cohort, and the subsequent cohorts? A)The inter-war cohort married older and most married over a broader spread of ages. B)The inter-war cohort experienced a broadening of the time period of transition into adulthood and the sequencing of these events is more diverse. C)The subsequent cohorts married younger and most married over a narrowed spread of ages. D)The subsequent cohorts experienced a broadening of the time period of transition into adulthood and the sequencing of these events is more diverse. E)The subsequent cohorts have a much shorter life expectancy than the cohort born between the World Wars does. 32)Which of the following could be considered a trade-off to having children at an older age? A)Parents will have more financial resources during retirement if they have children at an older age. B)Waiting longer to have children allows greater investment in reproduction than in oneself. C)Parents who wait longer to have children will usually have more children than parents who do not wait as long. D)Children born to older parents will have fewer resources than children born to younger parents. E)Those who wish to delay having children face the risk of having no children at all. 33)What was the prevailing attitude of the times for the cohort who were parents of the baby boom generation, or those born between 1931-1940? A)The proper place for women was at home. B)The proper place for men was at home. C)The proper place for women was in the labour force. D)Women and men were equal in all areas of social life. E)The labour force should be made more accessible to women with children. 34)Which of the following is true about the cohort born between the years 1841-1850? A)Age at first marriage is and age at first birth is lower than for women born in the 1950s or 1960s. B)Age at first marriage and age at first birth is older than for women born in the mid-1900s. C)Women born in the mid-1800s experienced the “empty nest†at a much younger age than women born in the 1930s or 1940s. D)The median age of last birth for women born in the mid-1800s was lower than the average age of the women born in the 1930s. E)The median number of years spent in widowhood for women born in the mid-1800s was double that compared to women born in the mid-1900s. 35)Which of the following statements about changes in the family life course is true? A)The age at which women had their last birth is lower for women in the mid-1800s than it is for women from the mid-1900s. B)Over the course of a hundred year period between the mid-1800 to mid-1900s, the life expectancy has decreased substantially. C)Between 1841 to 1951 families reduced the time spent having and raising children by more than 10 years. D)The number of years spent raising children is much higher now than it was in the 19th century. E)The age at which women of the 1970s cohort first marries is much lower compared to the age at first marriage of the 1960s cohort. 36)How many years were spent married with no child at home for women of the 1841-50 cohort? A)12.5 years B)20 years C)5.2 years D)0 years E)10.8 years 37)Regarding changes in the life course trends among three cohorts of women (born in the 1840s, 1930s, and 1950s), which of the following statements is correct? A)Age at first marriage was lower among the 1840s cohort than among the other two cohorts. B) Age at first birth is higher among the 1960s cohort than among the 1840s cohort. C)Women in the 1950s cohort had their last birth at an earlier age than women in the 184Os cohort had their first birth. T D)Of the three cohorts, the 1950s cohort spent the most years raising children. E)The 1950s cohort died at an earlier age than the 1930s cohort. 38)Which of the following statements is correct? A)Urbanization and industrialization have had minimal effect on family life. B)Industrialization has had a greater effect on family life than urbanization. C)The effect of urbanization on family life is minimal compared to industrialization. D)Urbanization has had virtually no effect on family life while industrialization is the sole determinant of family life. E)Urbanization has had a great, if not greater effect on family life than industrialization. 39)Which of the following statements about families in the nineteenth century is correct? A)Having second or third families was fairly common. B)Nineteenth century widows were in a similar economic circumstance as single mothers today. C)Widows often relied on charity or other family members for survival. D)Poverty had severe consequences for children and parents. E)All of the above. 40)Which group today is most similar to widows of the past in terms of economic vulnerability and social challenges they faced? A)Working mothers B)Single mothers C)Un-married, childless women D)Unhappily married women E)Teenage mothers