61)In small-sample research, it is useful to assign participants to conditions by A)free random assignment. B)consulting a table of random numbers. C)asking participants which group they would like to be in. D)matched random assignment. 62)When working with small numbers of participants, the use of free random assignment A)might result in unequal groups on important variables. B) is preferable to matched random assignment. C)prevents unequal groups from forming. D)is the only allowable assignment procedure. 63)The careful arrangements of all parts of an experiment so as to test the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable while protecting against threats to internal validity is called A)matched design. B)hypothesis testing. C)experimental design. D)hypothesis experimental design. 64)Matching of participants helps to make small-group research more sensitive to the effects of A)medication. B)the independent variable. C)the dependent variable. D)construct validity. 65)An alternative to participant-by-participant matching, which is used frequently in differential research, is to A)obtain more than one measurement of the independent variable. B)obtain repeated measures of the dependent variable. C)match characteristics of groups. D)ignore group characteristics. 66)A variation of matching is to equate groups by A)holding the variable constant. B)allowing the dependent variable to vary. C)putting the same number of participants in each cell. D)reverse matching. 67)A disadvantage of holding a variable constant is that A)it reduces generalizability by reducing internal validity. B)it attenuates reliability. C)it attenuates correlations. D)it reduces generalizability by reducing external validity. 68)An alternative matching procedure that results in a factorial design involves A)building the potentially confounding variable into the study. B)holding the potentially confounding variable constant. C)matching characteristics of a group. D)matching particpants on a specific characteristic. Â


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