31.According to the text’s discussion of living arrangements of the elderly: a.The vast majority of the elderly live with family members. b.The majority of the elderly prefer to live in age-segregated housing. c.The vast majority of the elderly live alone, free of any mortgage. d.all of the above 32.According to the text’s discussion of age-segregated housing for the elderly: a.age-segregated housing offers both psychosocial benefits and costs. b.the residences are usually safer, and offer a range of services and recreational activities. c.residents report higher levels of social participation and an improved sense of well-being after moving into age-segregated housing. d.all of the above 33.Approximately __________ percent of the elderly live in continuous long-term care facilities such as nursing homes. a.5c.25 b.10d.30 34.What is the key factor in the well-being of nursing home residents? well trained the staff is. much the home has to offer in social/recreational activities. c.their perception of how much control they have over their lives. d.whether or not there is a resident council with some decision-making authority. 35.Which of the following is the most important reason for remarriage among the elderly? a.a simple desire for companionship and affection b.romantic love and the desire for sex are at least as strong as among younger people c.the elderly woman wants to have a man to take care of again d.the elderly man wants a woman to take care of him 36.Three common grandparenting styles are identified in the text. Which of the following is NOT one of these? a.companionate or formal b.compensatory c.involved or surrogate-parent d.remote 37.Which group has the highest suicide rate of all races and both genders? a.African American females 60-65c.white males 18-20 b.white males 80-84d.African American males 55-70 38.What is the “sandwich generation?” a.the generation of people raised on fast food b.the “Baby Bust” – those between the Baby Boom and the Echo of the Baby Boom’s middle-aged adults – primarily female – who are caught between caring for the older and younger generations at the same time d.young adults – those caught between adolescents and the middle-aged baby boomers 39.Which of the following is an uncommon type of elderly abuse? a.passive exploitation b.physical beatingd.verbal and psychological abuse 40.What is the most cited reason for seniors’ going on-line? a.Keeping in touch with family or friends who don’t live close by b.Checking information on health care and costs of medical prescriptions c.It takes isolated people into an e-social world d.For the visually impaired, computer screen are easier to read than books 41.Excepting religious organizations, what is the largest voluntary association in the U.S.? a.The NAACPc.The Gray Panthers b.The United Fundd.The AARP


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