21) A temporary organizational structure where people come together for a specific business purpose or project and then disassemble when the purpose or project is completed best defines A) flat structure. B) virtual structure. C) functional structure. D) matrix structure. 22) Disadvantages of the virtual structure include A) participating partners may come to know each other’s technology, data, and some trade secrets. B) differences in corporate cultures of participating companies can become obstacles. C) it requires unique leadership and managerial skills. D) all of the above. 23) Strategies to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage include each of the following except A) cost leadership. B) cost/differentiation. C) disaggregation. D) differentiation. 24) Which of the following is the department or group that defines and maintains the standards of the process related to project management within the organization? A) IT Product Office B) Accounting C) Human Resources D) Project Management Office 25) Each of the following is a PMO competency continuum stage except A) designated PMO. B) Center of Excellence. C) advanced PMO. D) standard PMO. 26) Which of the following PMO competency continuum stages is a simple unit of project organization? A) PMO B) project office C) advanced PMO D) Center of Excellence 27) Which of the following PMO competency continuum stages provides a forum to host and control multiple projects with multiple project managers? A) PMO B) project office C) advanced PMO D) Center of Excellence 28) Which of the following PMO competency continuum stages can be a separate business unit within an organization and has the responsibility for enterprise-wide project management activities? A) PMO B) project office C) advanced PMO D) Center of Excellence 29) Which of the following roles suggests or proposes original ideas or different ways of approaching team problems or project goals? A) initiator-contributor B) opinion seeker C) elaborator D) energizer 30) Which of the following roles asks for clarification of the values pertinent to what the team is undertaking or of values involved in a suggestion? A) initiator-contributor B) opinion seeker C) elaborator D) energizer


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