1) Electronic commerce is used to conduct business with business partners such as suppliers and intermediaries. This form of EC is commonly referred to as ________ electronic commerce. A) business-to-consumer B) peer-to-peer C) business-to-business D) consumer-to-consumer E) business-to-employee 2) Which of the following statements is true about electronic commerce? A) Business-to-business is by far the largest form of electronic commerce in terms of revenues. B) It is limited to transactions between businesses and consumers. C) Electronic commerce between businesses and their employees is not possible. D) All forms of electronic commerce involve business firms. E) Consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce is a complete reversal of the traditional business-to-consumer electronic commerce. 3) Which of the following is an example of business-to-consumer electronic commerce? A) Brenda files her income tax online. B) A manufacturer conducts business over the Web with its retailers. C) Juan buys Kevin’s guitar on D) Reuben buys a shoe on E) Sandra, an employee, uses the Web to make a change her health benefits. 4) Which of the following is an example of consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce? A) Niobi makes an online deposit of $5,000 into her friend Carla’s account because she needs financial help. B) Heath buys a gift for Vannessa from C) Blanco, a manufacturer, conducts business over the Web with its retailers. D) Ted files his income tax online. E) Marty buys Lobsang’s mountaineering equipment from 5) Ben buys an Olympus E-PL2 from Sony which starts malfunctioning. When he opts for an exchange, the customer representative says that an exchange or repair is not possible because the damage was of a physical nature and not covered under warranty. Which of the following consequences, if true, would be an example of consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce? A) Ben sells the Olympus E-PL2 to Balvinder Singh in India through B) Ben files an online suit against Sony. C) Ben files a complaint on Sony’s Web site asking for an escalation. D) Ben buys a Canon G 12. E) Ben sells the Olympus E-PL2 to the world’s largest used camera dealer 6) Which of the following is a result of global information dissemination? A) Firms link Web sites to corporate databases to provide real-time access to personalized information. B) Firms tailor their products and services to meet a customer’s particular needs on a large scale. C) Firms market their products and services over vast distances. D) Firms provide immediate communication and feedback to and from customers. E) Firms provide ways for clients and firms to conduct business online without human assistance. 7) Which of the following actions explains mass customization? A) Firms tailor their products and services to meet a customer’s particular needs on a large scale. B) Firms provide immediate communication and feedback to and from customers. C) Firms provide ways for clients and firms to conduct business online without human assistance. D) Firms market their products and services over vast distances. E) Firms link Web sites to corporate databases to provide real-time access to personalized information. 8) Which of the following is an advantage of using interactive communication via the Web? A) reduced transaction costs B) increased customer loyalty C) enhanced operational efficiency D) reduced brand dilution E) decreased cannibalization 9) The phenomenon of cutting out the “middleman” and reaching customers more directly and efficiently is known as ________. A) gentrification B) demutualization C) reintermediation D) mutualization E) disintermediation 10) Which of the following is an example disintermediation? A) Land Rover markets most of its four-wheel drives in high altitude regions where vehicles require more power. B) Dunkin’ Donuts expanded its menu beyond breakfasts by adding hearty snacks that substitute for meals, which consists of items like Dunkin’ Dawgs, hot dogs wrapped in dough. C) Gatorade Thirst Quencher is a market leader in sports drinks. It is now planning to market its drinks to working women in urban areas. D) OakTeak, a furniture manufacturing firm, started selling directly to its customers after it experienced a dip in sales due to channel conflicts between retailers. E) A luxury car company creates a hybrid line of automobiles for consumers who are concerned about the environment. 1


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