21) SCENARIO 7-1 Your colleagues at work often talk about the vice-president in your area. She has a reputation for being intimidating, abrasive, ruthless, and antagonistic. You have been appointed to discuss the latest report from your department with her. You are very nervous about your meeting with her and wonder how it will all turn out. Referring to SCENARIO 7-1, the one base of power that the vice-president does NOT seem to have isa. reward. b. referent. c. expert. d. legitimate. e. information. 22) When a union goes on strike and management is not permitted to replace the striking employees, the union has considerable control over the organization’s ability to carry out its tasks. This is known as a. a general dependency postulate. b. a tactic of ingratiation. c. a coalition tactic. d. nonsubstitutability. e. an empowerment tactic. 23) Dependency is increased when the resource you control is a. important, scarce, and powerful. b. important, scarce, and lacks substitution. c. important, legitimate, and lacks substitution. d. empowered, legitimate, and lacks substitution. e. important, legitimate, and powerful. 24) The opposite of coercive power is ________ power. a. reward b. expert c. referent d. information e. dependent 25) The more that Elise is dependent on her brother Edward for funding to attend university, the more power Edward has over Elise. This example shows the a. empowerment tactic. b. coalition tactic. c. tactic of ingratiation. d. general dependency postulate. e. effect of politicking. 26) Research suggests that ________ is among the most effective influence tactics. a. exchange b. pressure c. ingratiation d. coalition e. consultation 27) “Buttering up†someone before making a request is equivalent to which influence tactic? a. ingratiation b. consultation c. coalition d. bargaining e. exchange 28) James comes to you with data and a logical presentation supporting his request for additional personnel. Which of the following influence tactics is he using? a. consultation b. legitimacy c. rational persuasion d. exchange e. ingratiation 29) If a supervisor threatens to write a damaging performance appraisal that would deny an employee her pay increase, which influence tactic is being used? a. consultation b. inspirational appeal c. pressure d. legitimacy e. rational persuasion 30) Wendy has a way with people. She is very friendly at all times with her co-workers, so when she needs something from them, this helps her get it. Which influence tactic is she using? a. pressure b. consultation c. legitimacy d. ingratiation e. inspirational appeal