181) The fact that panic attacks seem to come out of the blue supports the belief that the attacks are __________ triggered. A) behaviourally B) biologically C) cognitively D) emotionally 182) It is suspected that all of the following areas of the brain may be involved in obsessive-compulsive disorder EXCEPT the __________. A) amygdala B) hippocampus C) frontal cortex D) medial prefrontal cortex 183) One thing that all the psychological approaches to treating anxiety disorders have in common is that they encourage clients to ________. A) avoid the sources of their anxieties B) face the sources of their anxieties C) distract themselves from their anxieties D) use drugs to counter the effects of their anxieties 184) From the psychodynamic perspective, anxieties reflect the energies attached to unconscious conflicts and the ______ efforts to keep them repressed. A) superego’s B) subego’s C) id’s D) ego’s 185) Kamile suffers from an anxiety disorder. His therapist works on building Kamile’s awareness of how the anxiety disorder symbolizes his inner conflicts, so that Kamile’s ego can be freed from expending energy on repression and attend to more enhancing, creative tasks. The therapist is using a(n) ________ approach to conceptualize Kamile’s disorder. A) psychodynamic B) humanistic-existential C) behavioural D) cognitive 186) According to humanistic-existential theory, anxiety disorders reflect ________. A) failure to adequately meet the love and acceptance needs level in Maslow’s needs hierarchy B) social repression of our genuine selves C) an overabundance of unconditional positive regard D) conflict between cognitive needs and aesthetic needs 187) Jackson suffers from an anxiety disorder. His therapist helps him explore how his anxiety stems from incongruence between his true self and his social facade. The therapist helps Jackson get in touch with and express his genuine talents and feelings. Jackson’s therapist is using the ________ model to conceptualize his problem. A) psychodynamic B) humanistic-existential C) behavioural D) cognitive 188) Which class of drugs has shown promise in treating panic disorder? A) antidepressants B) analgesics C) minor tranquilizers D) amphetamines 189) Each of the following is true of drug therapy treatments for anxiety disorders EXCEPT ________. A) users often attribute improvements to the drugs and not their own resources B) they can cause unacceptable side effects C) they do not relieve symptoms of panic attacks D) they do not effect a cure for the disorders they are used to treat 190) Drugs that boost levels of the neurotransmitter ________ in the brain have shown effectiveness in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder. A) GABA B) serotonin C) epinephrine D) norepinephrine


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