31) In 1968, the federal government founded the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) with the stated intention of a. intensifying the spread of capitalism. b. helping poor countries. c. helping women attain rights in patriarchal countries. d. challenging war. 32) This concept refers to the political and social domination of the property owning class in capitalist society, expressed not only in ideologies but in all realms of culture and social organization. a. power b. hegemony c. modernization d. colonization 33) The foundation for modernization theory is the belief that a. poor countries should naturally want to be like industrialized nations since they are doing so well. b. poor countries should naturally dislike industrialized nations since they are doing so disproportionately well. c. poor countries lack citizens with strong motivation. d. capitalism is an exploitative mode of production. 34) Wallerstein’s analysis of the economic and political hierarchy that links all economies into a global system is known as a. global system theory b. world exploitation theory c. dependency theory d. world system theory 35) According to Wallerstein’s theory, core regions that are in decline or peripheries trying to improve their positions are best referred to as a. partial-periphery. b. semi-peripheral. c. globalizing. d. modernizing. 36) As theorists of globalization point out, in a world increasingly dominated by Western mass media, we run the risk of losing a. cultural diversity. b. our value system. c. religious freedom. d. political economy. 37) Which statement does not reflect the homogenization of culture? a. We run the risk of losing cultural diversity. b. Cultural practices lie at the heart of globalization. c. Cultures tend to become more indigenized. d. Globalization has facilitated the rise of an increasingly homogenized global culture dominated by the Anglo-American value system. 38) The worldwide exchange of money, goods, and services as well as the socio-cultural changes that occur with human contact is referred to as a. colonization. b. globalization. c. social cultural change. d. global stratification. 39) Colonization of Asia, Africa, and the Americas by European countries includes all except which type of domination? a. political b. economic c. legal d. cultural 40) A system in which the state manages the production and distribution of goods is referred to as a. command economy. b. capitalist economy. c. state/welfare capitalism. d. communism.


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