17.2Â Â The Realities of Power 1) Which of the following is considered by experts to have relatively little power within the Federal Reserve? A) The Board of Governors B) The president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank C) The economic staff of the Board of Governors D) The Federal Advisory Council 2) Federal Reserve Bank directors A) have relatively little influence in monetary policy decisions. B) determine bank reserve requirements. C) determine bank capital requirements. D) set the federal funds rate. 3) Which of the following groups within the Federal Reserve System is primarily concerned with public relations? A) The Federal Open Market Committee B) The Federal Advisory Council C) The Federal Reserve Bank presidents D) The Board of Governors 4) Which of the following groups within the Federal Reserve System is primarily concerned with open market operations? A) The Federal Open Market Committee B) The Federal Advisory Council C) The Federal Reserve Bank presidents D) The Board of Governors 17.3Â Â The Problem of Federal Reserve Independence 1) The Federal Reserve is considered by experts to be a government agency that is A) totally independent from the rest of the federal government. B) semi-independent from the rest of the federal government. C) closely tied to Congress. D) subservient to the interests of large money-center banks. 2) Which of the following arguments is often used by opponents of Federal Reserve independence? A) Independence slows the policy decision process. B) Independence causes inflationary pressures to build because of excessive monetary growth. C) Independence leads to conflicts between monetary and fiscal policy. D) Independence causes a concentration of financial power. 3) Supporters of Federal Reserve independence contend that independence from the rest of the federal government leads to lower A) inflation rates. B) interest rates. C) reserve requirements. D) rates of unemployment. 4) If Congress passes legislation reducing Federal Reserve independence, financial market participants are likely to assume that A) the money supply will decline. B) inflation will increase. C) recession will quickly follow. D) the federal deficit will rise. 5) In most countries the central bank is A) totally autonomous from the rest of government. B) semi-independent from the rest of the government. C) a part of the private sector. D) subordinate to the rest of government. 6) In which country is the central bank more independent than the Federal Reserve? A) Germany B) Japan C) Great Britain D) All of the above.


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