31) Which of the following roles spells out suggestions using examples? A) initiator-contributor B) opinion seeker C) elaborator D) energizer 32) Which of the following roles concentrates the group’s energy on forward movement? A) initiator-contributor B) opinion seeker C) elaborator D) energizer 33) Which of the following roles requests clarification of comments in terms of their factual adequacy? A) information seeker B) opinion giver C) orienteer D) recorder 34) Which of the following roles states his/her belief pertinently to a suggestion or the subject being discussed? A) information seeker B) opinion giver C) orienteer D) recorder 35) Which of the following roles defines and clarifies the team’s position on project tasks and project-related issues? A) information seeker B) opinion giver C) orienteer D) recorder 36) Which of the following roles acts as the secretary or minute-keeper? A) information seeker B) opinion giver C) orienteer D) recorder 37) Which of the following group building and maintenance roles expresses standards to be applied in evaluating the quality of team process? A) standard setter B) gatekeeper-expediter C) follower D) blocker 38) Which of the following group building and maintenance roles attempts to regulate the flow of communication? A) standard setter B) gatekeeper-expediter C) follower D) blocker 39) Which of the following group building and maintenance roles goes along with the team more or less passively? A) standard setter B) gatekeeper-expediter C) follower D) blocker 40) Which of the following group building and maintenance roles tends to be negative, opposes every idea or opinion without or beyond reason that is put forward, yet refuses to make own suggestions? A) standard setter B) gatekeeper-expediter C) follower D) blocker 41) The project lifespan stage where team members come together for a purpose best describes A) forming. B) storming. C) norming. D) performing. 42) The project lifespan stage that kicks in after the team starts working together best describes A) forming. B) storming. C) norming. D) performing. 43) The project lifespan stage where team members agree and start cooperating with some preconceived notions best describes A) forming. B) storming. C) norming. D) performing. 44) The project lifespan stage where team members have built strong relationships and trust each other best describes A) forming. B) storming. C) norming. D) performing. 45) Benefits of virtual and global teams include A) facilitate flexibility or agility in projects. B) increase speed and therefore shorten schedules. C) leverage expertise from dispersed knowledge workers. D) all of the above.