31. Drives that are acquired through learning are called ______ drives. a. primaryc. reflexive b. secondaryd. tertiary 32. The drive to become famous and accumulate great power is a ______ drive. a. primaryc. reflexive b. secondaryd. tertiary 33. Which of the following is NOT a secondary drive? a. a drive for great wealth b. a drive to be successful in school c. a drive for sexual activity d. a drive for high levels of achievement 34. Compared to other animals, humans are ______ motivated by secondary drives. a. notc. equally b. lessd. more 35. The theory of motivation that proposes that organisms seek an optimum level of stimulation is ______ theory. a. instinctc. arousal b. drive reduction d. the hierarchy of needs 36. The Yerkes-Dodson Law states ______ a. that intrinsic motivation is more powerful than extrinsic motivation b. extrinsic motivation is more powerful than intrinsic motivation c. organisms seek to reduce arousal and maintain homeostasis d. there is an optimal level of arousal for best performance of any task 37. Which of the following is true a. Behavior is almost always motivated to reduce arousal. b. Behavior is almost always motivated to maintain the current level of arousal. c. Sometimes behavior is motivated to increase arousal, while other times it is motivated to reduce arousal. d. Behavior is almost always motivated to increase arousal. 38. The idea that there is an optimal level of arousal for best performance of any task, and the more complex the task, the lower the level of optimal arousal, is ______. a. the Yerkes-Dodson Lawc. the Law of Effect b. Weber’s Lawd. the Law of Diminishing Returns 39. According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, higher levels of arousal ______ a. always disrupt performance of a task b. are best when performing simple tasks c. are best when performing complex tasks d. are best for performing all tasks, whether simple or complex 40. According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, lower levels of arousal ______ a. always disrupt performance of a task b. are best when performing simple tasks c. are best when performing complex tasks d.


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