121) Daphne is unable to recall simple words the day after her stroke, but within a matter of months she is speaking normally again. This is due to: A) myelination. B) plasticity. C) axonal regeneration. D) progenitor cells. 122) Suppose you wanted to build a neuron that carried information very quickly. One way to increase the speed of conduction of a neural impulse would be to: A) activate the neuron with an intense stimulus. B) wrap the axon in a myelin sheath. C) make the axon very long. D) place many dendrites on the neuron. 123) When neurons communicate, they do so A) when an electrical potential “hops” between two cells. B) by touching one another, end to end. C) in an electrical and chemical language. D) through a chemical neurotransmitter that travels down the axon. 124) Neurotransmitters make it possible for: A) the left hemisphere to dominate the right. B) unmyelinated cells to grow myelin. C) dreams to process unconscious motives. D) one neuron to excite another. 125) A chemical substance that is released by a transmitting neuron at the synapse and that alters the activity of a receiving neuron is called a/an: A) neurotransmitter. B) action potential. C) glial cell. D) precursor cell. 126) Receptor sites receive: A) dendritic spines. B) neurotransmitters. C) synaptic vesicles. D) action potentials. 127) When the neurotransmitter binds to a receptor site it can cause: A) excitation followed by inhibition. B) inhibition followed by excitation. C) a neural impulse. D) excitation or inhibition. 128) A neurotransmitter binds to a receptor site and the ultimate effect is a voltage shift in a negative direction. When this occurs, the probability: A) that the receiving neuron will fire increases. B) of an excitatory response increases. C) that the receiving neuron will fire decreases. D) that the neurons are densely connected decreases. 129) ________ are special molecules in the membrane of a receiving neuron’s dendrites. A) Glial cells B) Precursor cells C) Receptor sites D) Adrenal hormones 130) When a neurotransmitter molecule binds briefly with a receptor site, changes occur in the receiving neuron’s membrane. If there is a voltage shift in a positive direction then the effect is: A) an inhibitory effect. B) a decreased probability that the receiving neuron will fire. C) an excitatory effect. D) to prevent an action potential from occurring.


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