71. Which of the following does your textbook recommend for preparing main points? a. Try to divide your topic into five or more main points. b. Try to use the same pattern of wording for each main point. c. Keep main points clearly separate from one another. d. all of the above e. b and c only a. Devote each main point to a separate aspect of the topic. b. Limit the number of main points to between two and five. c. Be sure to use a visual aid with each main point. d. all of the above e. b and c only 73. Your textbook recommends each of the following for preparing main points except a. Keep main points clearly separate from one another. b. Use a different pattern of wording for each main point. c. Limit the number of main points to between two and five. d. Balance the amount of time devoted to each main point. e. Organize main points strategically. 74. How do the following main points for a speech about the major steps involved in a successful job interview violate the guidelines for main points presented in your textbook? I. The first step is preparing for the interview before it takes place. II. Presenting yourself well during the interview is also important. III. After the interview, you need to follow up. a. The main points don’t follow any method of organization. b. The main points don’t use a similar pattern of wording. c. The main points aren’t clearly separate from one another. d. all of the above e. b and c only 75. How do the following main points for a speech about the achievements of Ida Wells-Barnett violate the guidelines presented in your textbook for organizing main points? I. As a teacher, Wells-Barnett spoke out against inferior school facilities for African-American children. II. As a journalist, Wells-Barnett campaigned against lynching. III. In the early 20th century, Wells-Barnett expanded her activities. a. The main points should have been arranged in causal order. b. The main points don’t each deal with a separate aspect of the topic. c. The main points don’t divide the topic consistently. d. all of the above e. a and c only Â


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