11) If a researcher conducting a survey gets “informed consent” she will A) get an ok from funding agencies to experiment with controlled substances. B) get permission to interview friends and family members about personal behaviour (such as sexual relations, etc.). C) get permission to conduct the interview with the respondent after telling the respondent something about the interview. D) get permission from other researchers to use non-random sampling. E) get permission from people to use their actual names and addresses in published studies about them. 12) The Principle of Voluntary Consent in social research means A) a professor who hands out a questionnaire to students should inform students that their participation is voluntary and that they can refuse to participate without penalty. B) many research findings actually have limited generalizability to those subjects/respondents who agree to participate in research. C) this norm is violated in covert field research. D) a researcher using deception should tell subjects that they can leave at any time. E) all of the above. 13) For an honours undergraduate project, Steven Smith conducts a survey on students’ attitudes and behaviours concerning personal beliefs and behaviours, including sexual behaviour. While distributing the questionnaire, he assures the group of students that no one will be able to trace responses to an individual. He obtained a seating chart with the names of all the students in the class and where they sit. He notices where each person sat before he or she returns the questionnaire to the front of the room and memorizes who turned in the first, second, etc., questionnaire. Which ethical principle is Steven violating? A) Confidentiality B) Anonymity C) Harm to subjects D) Concealed identity of researcher E) Voluntary participation 14) What is the general ethical principle regarding deception in social research? A) It is fully acceptable and does not involve ethical issues. B) It is forbidden under all circumstances of ethical research. C) It can be ethically used if essential to the research so long as subjects are not physically harmed. D) It can be ethically used if essential to the research, but only to the minimal degree necessary and it must be followed by debriefing. E) Deception can only be ethically used when subjects are “captive” populations (e.g., prisoners, students, mental hospital patients, military personnel). 15) The original source for the principles of codes of ethics for research on human subjects was developed out of A) the Amnesty International Code of 1975. B) the Nuremburg Trial of Nazi war crimes in 1946–47. C) the 1964 Civil Rights Act. D) the League of Nations Charter of 1919. E) the Constitution of the United States. 16) The primary thing that keeps most social scientific research within ethical-moral boundaries is A) the Codes of Ethics published by professional associations. B) the government’s laws and regulations. C) fear of lawsuits against researchers by subjects. D) the professional training or socialization and peer pressure that individual researchers experience. E) the research police who have an office on every college campus. 17) Professor Ivan Ishtar copied five pages from a student paper that was not protected by copyright laws and put it in an article he published but failed to give credit to the student. He also claimed to interview 10 people who he never interviewed. Professor Ishtar committed all the following activities EXCEPT which one? A) Plagiarism B) Research fraud C) Scientific misconduct D) Unethical but legal behaviour E) Illegal but ethical behaviour 18) It is NOT ethical for a sponsor to do which of the following? A) A school district wants a study of students, but demands that a researcher reach findings showing an improvement in student scores during the past five years. B) A supervisor requires prior review of questionnaire items to make some of them “leading” to make certain that the company looks good. C) A government agency that paid for a study suppresses findings that indicate that it has not enforced a law it is supposed to and has been an overall failure. D) A political party calls people for telephone interviews on opinions, but is really identifying potential financial contributors. It hides the true sponsor of a study by using a made-up name of a research company. E) All of the above. 19) A great deal of learning about ethics is based on “famous cases.” Which study is the “famous case” in which poor black men were not treated and allowed to become disabled and permanently harmed in a Public Health Service study by the U.S. federal government? A) Tearoom Trade B) Jury Study C) Milgram Obedience Experiment D) Zimbardo Prison Experiment E) Bad Blood 20) A researcher asks some teenagers to shoplift from a drugstore while he observes so that he can learn more about how they do it. This researcher may be violating the ethical principle, which says A) do not cause physical harm. B) avoid causing psychological abuse or stress. C) do not create new inequalities. D) do not place subjects in legal jeopardy. E) none of the above, it is not unethical.


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