191) Suppose you were one of the early graduate students in the newly developed field of psychology. Your mentor is interested in discovering the answers to questions like “Why is the ability to forget helpful?” “How do emotions assist us in social situations?” and “Why is self-presentation a useful technique for gaining social rewards?” Your mentor’s approach is most consistent with the ________ perspective. a. psychoanalytic b. behaviourist c. functionalist d. structuralist 192) What psychological school of thought was most concerned with the influence of external factors on an organism’s or a person’s actions? a. Behaviourism b. Structuralism c. Cognitivism d. Psychoanalysis 193) You are listening in on a discussion among a group of psychology majors. One major says that field will only move forward if we use objective methods for understanding the principles that guide human actions. This statement is most consistent with a. functionalism. b. psychoanalysis. c. behaviourism. d. structuralism. 194) With its concern on the adaptive functions provided by the various psychological systems, evolutionary psychology is most like what early psychological school of thought? a. Behaviourism b. Structuralism c. Psychoanalysis d. Functionalism 195) A classmate tells you the following, “It’s not how a teacher answers your question that matters but how you interpret his or her attempt at answering your question that leaves you satisfied or unsatisfied with his or her answer.” This statement fits most closely with ideas from the school of thought known as a. psychoanalysis. b. cognitivism. c. structuralism. d. behaviourism. 196) The key to understanding human behaviour, according to Sigmund Freud, was to focus on ________ and the ________ level of the human mind. a. external factors; unconscious b. external factors; conscious c. internal psychological processes; unconscious d. internal psychological processes; conscious 197) Which theorist and perspective is correctly matched? a. Structuralism – William James b. Behaviourism – Jean Piaget c. Functionalism – Charles Darwin d. Cognitivism – John Watson 198) Which perspective was among the first to focus on the need for objective research? a. Cognitivism b. Behaviourism c. Functionalism d. Psychoanalysis 199) Which theoretical approach argues that we learn by grasping the underlying nature of problems and attaining insight? a. Cognitivism b. Behaviourism c. Functionalism d. Psychoanalysis 200) The greatest proportion of psychologists are found working a. in K-12 schools. b. in self-employed, clinical practice. c. for a governmental agency. d. at universities and 4-year colleges.


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