101. Which of the following steps would improve the external validity of an analogue experiment of sub-clinical depression in college students? A) Include a no-treatment control group. B) Perform statistical analyses on the results. C) Use clinically depressed patients. 102. Dr. Brown developed a psychological test to measure anxiety. She then conducted several additional studies in which she showed that scores on her test are higher for college students during finals week, people diagnosed with anxiety disorders, and people high in psychophysiological measures of anxiety. Dr. Brown’s additional studies help demonstrate the ________ of her test. A) external validity B) internal validity C) independence D) prevalence 103. Dr. Smart conducted a study that examined the physiological reactions of rats reared in isolation to the introduction of a stranger rat in their cage. She wanted to examine the effects of growing up in isolation on social behavior in order to understand more about social phobia in humans. This study is an example of A) an analogue experiment. B) a correlational design. C) an experimental design. D) None of the above are correct. 104. Mary, who has trichotillomania (chronic hair pulling), is enrolled in a single-subject study using an ABAB design to see if she pulls more hair while watching TV. Mary watched TV during dinner for four weeks and pulled at least ten hairs a day for the four weeks. Then she left the TV off for four weeks and pulled only one hair per day for the four weeks. In the next step of this design, the experimenter should have Mary A) get other subjects to follow the same procedure. B) have her mother rate how much she eats. C) turn the TV back on for four weeks. D) change what she eats during dinner. 105. In a single-subject ABAB design, ABAB refers to A) repeatedly introducing and removing the treatment. B) repeatedly measuring different behaviors. C) the statistical procedure used to analyze the results. D) repeating the procedure with additional subjects. 106. The single subject ABAB design cannot be used to study behaviors that A) are not prevalent in the population. B) do not return to baseline. C) are highly reactive. D) have highly heritable components. Â Â