111. According to research on college students’ use of formal operational thought, the researchers found that a. only about 10 percent of incoming freshman either lacked formal operational reasoning or failed to use it consistently. b. those students who reasoned concretely tended to struggle in college and achieved poorer grades. c. there was a significant positive relationship between one’s level of reasoning and one’s Scholastic Aptitude Test scores. d. all of these were true. 112. Joshua is a junior majoring in economics. His college education will most likely help him to think more abstractly about topics related to a. economics. b. psychology and sociology. c. higher mathematics. d. none of these fields. 113. Many cognitive scientists believe that systematic biases in thinking occur because humans often rely on a swifter __________ system rather than a slower _________ system. a. experiential reasoning; analytical b. analytical; experiential reasoning c. analytical; intuitive d. experiential reasoning; intuitive 114. Experiential reasoning is common when people a. make personally-relevant decisions. b. think about complex social situations. c. do both of these. d. neither of these. 115. Which of the following is FALSE regarding how adults usually reason about events? a. Human judgment deviates in predictable ways from mathematical and logical principles. b. People rarely look for causes that underlie random events. c. People are usually better problem-solvers in domains where they have extensive knowledge and experience. d. People tend to base decisions on a small number of personal experiences rather than reliable, large-scale research. 116. Jerome and Casey are attending a college basketball game. Jerome tells Casey to watch a particular player when he gets the ball because he’s got a “hot hand” and is going to make the next shot. Jerome is basing his prediction on the fact that the basketball player has successfully completed his last three shots. Jerome is exhibiting which characteristic of human judgment and decision-making? a. people’s lack of concrete, practical reasoning b. the tendency for people to look for causes that underlie random events c. the tendency for people to try to reason outside their field of expertise d. the tendency to base decisions on a small number of personal experiences rather than reliable, large-scale research. 117. Jerry and Carl are attending a college basketball game. Jerry tells Carl to watch a particular player when he gets the ball because he’s got a “hot hand” and is going to make the next shot. Jerry is basing his prediction on the fact that the basketball player has successfully completed his last three shots. Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. Based on Jerry’s data, the player is now more likely to miss the next basket. b. Based on Jerry’s data, the player will most likely successfully complete the next basket because he is in a peak performance cycle. c. Making several baskets does not increase the player’s probability of making the next one. d. Jerry should base his decision on the player’s training and previous experience, not on current play. 118. George is an experienced chess player, who exhibits an exceptional ability to create strategies and to plan ahead during a chess game. Because of his extensive experience in playing chess, George will most likely apply his ability to strategically plan to a. his chess matches. b. his job and career. c. his personal life and social interactions. d. all of these. 119. Which of the following is/are TRUE regarding the effect of experience on judgment? a. Reasoning skills do not always improve with experience. b. Adults become more confident about their abilities as they obtain more experience. c. Experience actually hinders performance when people let outcomes from isolated examples override reliable evidence. d. All of these statements are true. 120. Which of the following is/are TRUE regarding the effect of experience on judgment? a. Reasoning skills almost always improve with experience. b. Adults become more confident about their abilities as they obtain more experience. c. Experience helps people to use isolated examples to take shortcuts in thinking, which provides a quicker, equally accurate decision to the longer analytical thought. d. All of these statements are true.


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