51)Love withdrawal is A)characteristic of the unengaged parenting style. B)the refusal to physically nurture a child. C)a psychological condition resulting from childhood neglect. D)a form of emotional punishment. E)a contraceptive technique. 52)In power assertions, A)the caregiver threatens a child with punishment for non-compliance. B)the child learns to change his/her behaviour to avoid punishment. C)the child’s sense of morality is externally driven. D) B&C above E) A, B&C above are correct. 53)According to Hoffman (1979), the most effective and positive form of disciplining is A)affectionate persuasion B)induction C)love withdrawal D)power assertions E)satisfying 54)Which of the following statements is true about corporal punishment? A)Most people reported that they have never spanked their child before. B)Most people support spanking if done by parents but oppose it if done by others. C)Most people in Canada believe that spanking should be made illegal. D)Most parents who use physical punishment were never spanked as a child. E)Support for spanking as a reasonable punishment measure was highest in Quebec. 55)Children disciplined using inductive techniques A)have more difficulty making independent decisions. B)are more aware of contributing to another’s distress. C)never break the rules. D)are likely to develop interpersonal problems in adulthood. E)require more supervision and attention from parents. 56)Feelings of guilt, unlike feelings of fear, are the result of A)a guilty conscience. B)external moral control. C)internal moral control. D)spiritual bankruptcy. E)conventional morality. 57)Parents who use physical punishment usually want A)obedience to simple demands. B)to hurt the child. C)respect. D)to convey feelings of love. E)to instill feelings of guilt. 58)Which of the following statements about discipline is correct? A)Teenage mothers are less likely than older mothers to punish their children physically. B)No evidence has been found to suggest that harsh childhood discipline produces long-term negative consequences. C)Surveys suggest parents infrequently use physical punishment. D)Physical punishment, such as spanking, is usually an effective technique. E)Children who were physically punished are more likely to use physical punishment when they are parents themselves. 59)Most of today’s runaway youths are attempting to escape from A)responsibility. B)school. C)dysfunctional families. D)boredom. E)the suburbs. 60)Hagan and McCarthy (1998) found that a disproportionate number of street youth come from: A)the suburbs. B)single parent homes. C)homes where there is family violence and sexual abuse. D)highly religious homes. E)high income families.


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