11) Which combination of central species and net charge is FALSE for complex ions or coordination compounds? A) neutral metal atom, positive net charge B) neutral metal atom, zero net charge C) metal cation, zero net charge D) metal cation, positive net charge E) metal cation, negative net charge 12) Which of the following metal ions can have coordination numbers of either 4 or 6? A) Ag+ B) Ca2+ C) Cu+ D) Ni2+ E) Au+ 13) Which of the following metal ions has coordination numbers of 2 or 4? A) Fe3+ B) Co3+ C) Cu+ D) Pt2+ E) Cr3+ 14) The [Fe(CN)6]3- complex ion: A) exhibits square planar geometry B) is diamagnetic C) exhibits octahedral geometry D) has two unpaired electrons E) has four unpaired electrons 15) Choose the INCORRECT statement. A) The coordination number is the number of ligands which can attach to a metal center. B) A ligand supplies one or more electron pairs to bond to the metal ion. C) The ligand-metal ion bond is a coordinate covalent bond. D) A ligand is a Lewis base. E) A ligand that donates a pair of electrons is multidentate. 16) Choose the INCORRECT statement. A) A ligand that bonds to the metal ion with more than one atom is unidentate. B) A chelate is produced by a ligand bonding to the metal ion with two or more donor atoms. C) In coordination nomenclature, the cations are named before the anions. D) In coordination nomenclature, the names of the ligands are followed by the name of the central metal ion. E) Anionic ligands end in -o in coordination nomenclature. 17) Choose the INCORRECT formula/name combination for ligands. A) H2O aqua B) NH3 ammine C) CO carbonyl D) NO nitrito-N- E) CH3NH2 methylamine 18) Choose the INCORRECT formula/name combination for ligands. A) C5H5N pyridine B) F- fluoro C) Cl- chloro D) OH- hydroxo E) I- iodino 19) Choose the INCORRECT formula/name combination for ligands. A) O2- hydroxo B) NO nitrosyl C) I- iodo D) CN- cyano E) SO42- sulfato 20) Choose the INCORRECT formula/name combination for ligands. A) Br- bromo B) S2O32- sulfato C) NO2- bonded to N nitrito-N- D) NO2- bonded to O nitrito-O- E) en ethylenediamine N2NCH2CH2NH2


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