31) Corte found that _____ are more likely to distract themselves when they are depressed, whereas _____ are more likely to amplify depression by ruminating about their feelings and possible causes. A) men; women B) women; men C) adolescents; adults D) people in treatment; people not being treated 32) Corte found that men often distract themselves from depression by turning to ________, which can lead to another set of psychological and social problems. A) illegal drugs B) compulsions C) illicit sex D) alcohol 33) One’s tendency to __________ has been found to lead to more severe forms of depression. A) ruminate B) catastrophize C) deny D) project blame 34) According to Health Canada, which of the following is NOT a cause of generally higher rates of depression in Aboriginal communities? A) conflicting messages about the value of their community B) genetic factors C) cultural instability leading to increased rates of child abuse D) higher rates of poverty 35) A multinational study of nine countries showed that rates of major depression have been ______ in Canada and elsewhere. A) dropping B) rising C) levelling off D) staying about the same 36) Monique finds that every winter she becomes fatigued, is excessively sleepy, has a craving for carbohydrates, and puts on weight. In the spring, her symptoms disappear. She is most likely suffering from ________. A) dysthymic disorder B) cyclothymic disorder C) bipolar disorder D) seasonal affective disorder 37) Seasonal affective disorder is most common among ________. A) children B) young adults C) middle-aged adults D) elderly adults 38) Which of the following people is MOST likely to suffer from seasonal affective disorder? A) a young adult female B) a young adult male C) a middle-aged female D) a middle-aged male 39) The cause of seasonal affective disorder is related to ________. A) cold temperatures B) reflected glare from snow C) lack of adequate sunlight D) “cabin fever†40) The therapy of choice for patients with seasonal affective disorder is ________. A) phototherapy B) logotherapy C) chemotherapy D) physical therapy