31) Vaporization occurs more readily with: A) increased temperature, increased surface area, decreased volume B) increased temperature, increased surface area, increased intramolecular forces C) increased temperature, decreased surface area, decreased intermolecular forces D) increased temperature, increased surface area, decreased intermolecular forces E) increased temperature, decreased surface area, decreased intermolecular forces 32) The phenomenon of supercooling refers to the existence of a metastable: A) liquid at a temperature below that of its critical point B) liquid at a temperature below that of its sublimation point C) liquid at a temperature below that of its freezing point D) gas at a temperature below that of its critical point E) two-phase liquid/solid mixture at the freezing point 33) The enthalpy of fusion is: A) The quantity of heat required to melt a solid B) The quantity of heat released when a solid melts C) The quantity of heat when two elements are fused together to produce binary compound D) The quantity of heat required to fuse two atomic nuclei E) The quantity of heat released when an organic compound burns in an atmosphere of pure oxygen 34) A passage of substance directly from the vapor to the solid state is known as: A) deposition B) decomposition C) sublimation D) solidification E) fusion 35) Which of the following is true assuming point A has P = 180 mmHg, T = 50°C, point C has P = 275 mmHg, T = 200°C and points A, B, and C form a right triangle? A) At point B, T = 50°C, P = 275 mmHg. B) D is temperature, E is pressure. C) D is pressure, E is volume. D) At point B, T = 200°C, P = 275 mmHg. E) B is a liquid. 36) According to the phase diagram given, which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A) At the temperature and pressure of point 2, substance Z exists as a three-phase equilibrium system. B) At the temperature and pressure of point 3, substance Z exists as a one-phase gaseous system. C) If the Z(s) = Z(l) = Z(g) system is maintained at the temperature of point 2 while pressure is decreased, more Z will vaporize. D) If liquid Z is maintained at the pressure of point 4 while the temperature is decreased to 30°C, the liquid will vaporize. E) The existence of liquid Z at -50°C and 2 atm represents the metastable condition of “supercooling.” 37) According to the phase diagram given, which of the following statements is wrong? A) At the temperature and pressure of point 1, substance W exists as a three-phase equilibrium system. B) At the temperature of point 2, a pressure of 500 torr is sufficient to liquify gaseous W. C) If the W(l) = W(g) system is maintained at the temperature of point 3 while pressure is decreased, more W will vaporize. D) If liquid W is maintained at the pressure of point 4 while the temperature is increased to 80°C, the liquid will vaporize. E) The existence of liquid W at -40°C and 500 torr represents the metastable condition of “supercooling.” 38) According to the phase diagram given, which of the following is INCORRECT? A) At the temperature and pressure of point 1, substance U exists as a three-phase equilibrium system. B) At the temperature and pressure of point 2, substance U exists as a one-phase gaseous system. C) At the temperature and pressure of point 3, substance U exists as a two-phase system. D) If the U(s)⇔ U(l) system is maintained at the temperature of point 4 while pressure is decreased steadily to about 300 torr, more U will freeze. E) There are no conditions of temperature and pressure under which solid U will vaporize without melting first. 39) According to the phase diagram given, which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A) At the temperature and pressure of point 1, W exists as a three-phase equilibrium system. B) At the temperature of point 2, a pressure of 500 torr will cause W to liquefy. C) If the system is maintained at the temperature of point 3 while pressure is decreased, more W will vaporize. D) If W is maintained at the pressure of point 4 while the temperature is increased to 80°C, the liquid will vaporize. E) The existence of liquid W at -40°C and 500 torr represents the metastable condition of “supercooling.” 40) Choose the INCORRECT statement. A) In a network covalent solid, covalent bonds extend throughout the crystalline solid. B) Diamond has sp3 hybridization. C) Graphite has sp hybridization. D) Fullarenes are a recently discovered allotropic form of carbons. E) Nanotubes are an allotropic form of carbon.