101. Louis has never recovered from the death of his wife 15 years ago. This sort of pathological mourning process is labeled as: a. posttraumatic stress disorder b. chronic grief c. bereavement overload d. palliative grief 102. The failure to ever recover from a loss is called: a. social grief b. anticipatory grief c. chronic grief d. bereavement overload 103. According to the text, which of the following conditions is most likely to be added as a diagnostic category in the next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual? a. chronic grief b. anticipatory grief c. passive grief d. active grief 104. In comparison to grieving rituals common in the United States a century ago, today the grief rituals are _________ and are _________ effective in helping survivors deal with their loss. a. longer; more b. longer; no more c. shorter; more d. shorter; no more 105. In 1900, the death rate of U.S. children under the age of 5 was ____; in 2009 it was ____. a. 8%; 4% b.18%; 8% c. 50%; 5% d. 30%; 1.5% 106. In 1915, the infant mortality rate in the Unites States was ____; today it is ____. a. 10%; less than1% b. 20%; 5% c. 30%; 13% d. 50%; 20% 107. Of the children who die before they reach age 18, the largest percentages fall into which of the following age groups? a. age 0 to age 1 b. age 1 to age 4 c. age 5 to age 9 d. age 15 to age 19 108. If a couple in the United States were to have a child born this year, they should understand that the odds that the child would survive to age 5 years is about: a. 99.99% b. 99.5% c. 98.5% d. 95% 109. Compared to 50 years ago, the average life expectancy for individuals who have intellectual or developmental disabilities is: a. much longer, approaching a near-normal lifespan for most such people b. slightly longer, but still considerably less than a normal lifespan c. about the same as it was 50 years ago d. slightly shorter, owing to more infants who today are born alive but die in infancy 110. The text reports the results of a study of grief patterns among parents of children who were killed in the Arab-Israeli conflict. This study found that _______ were more likely to see the forces that led to death as being external, and _______ expressed greater feelings of hopelessness about their loss. a. mothers; mothers b. mothers; fathers c. fathers; mothers d. fathers; fathers


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