Section 2Â Â Developing Missions and Strategies 1) An organization’s strategy is the purpose or rationale for its existence. 2) Which of the following activities takes place most immediately once the mission has been developed? A) The firm develops alternative or back-up missions in case the original mission fails. B) The functional areas develop their functional area strategies. C) The functional areas develop their supporting missions. D) The ten OM decision areas are prioritized. E) Operational tactics are developed. 3) Which of the following statements about organizational missions is FALSE? A) They reflect a company’s purpose. B) They indicate what a company intends to contribute to society. C) They are formulated after strategies are known. D) They define a company’s reason for existence. E) They provide guidance for functional area missions. 4) The fundamental purpose of an organization’s mission statement is to: A) create a good human relations climate in the organization. B) define the organization’s purpose in society. C) define the operational structure of the organization. D) generate good public relations for the organization. E) define the functional areas required by the organization. 5) Which of the following statements is true? A) Corporate mission is shaped by functional strategies. B) Corporate strategy is shaped by functional strategies. C) Functional strategies are shaped by corporate strategy. D) External conditions are shaped by corporate mission. E) Functional area missions are merged to become the organizational mission. 6) According to the authors, which of the following strategic concepts allow firms to achieve their missions? A) productivity, efficiency, and quality leadership B) differentiation, cost leadership, and response C) differentiation, quality leadership, and response D) distinctive competency, cost leadership, and experience E) differentiation, distinctive competency, quality leadership, and capacity 7) A strategy is a(n): A) set of opportunities in the marketplace. B) broad statement of purpose. C) simulation used to test various product line options. D) plan for cost reduction. E) action plan to achieve the mission. 8) The ________ is how an organization expects to achieve its missions and goals. 9) What is the difference between a firm’s mission and its strategy?


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