11) In judging whether or not a person’s behaviour is socially unacceptable or violates social norms, clinicians must take into account each of the following EXCEPT ________. A) subjects’ expectations B) cultural differences C) generational differences D) nonconformity issues 12) Andrew has recurring delusions that he is the King of England. He also hallucinates that the Queen is next to him, and he talks to her throughout the day. Which criterion of abnormal behaviour most closely matches his behaviour? A) severe mental distress B) self-defeating behaviour C) socially unacceptable behaviour D) faulty perception of reality 13) Seeing things and hearing voices that are not present are considered ________. A) delusions B) compulsions C) hallucinations D) obsessions 14) Celine has recurring visions of demons chasing her around her house. She also hears them telling her, “We have come for you!” She is experiencing ________. A) delusions B) compulsions C) hallucinations D) obsessions 15) Unfounded ideas or false beliefs that have no basis in fact are considered ________. A) delusions B) compulsions C) hallucinations D) obsessions 16) Alexander believes that aliens from outer space are working together with the CIA in an elaborate plot to brainwash him with secret messages transmitted through static on his television. His beliefs are most likely what psychologists would call ________. A) delusions B) compulsions C) hallucinations D) obsessions 17) Abigail is suffering from a combination of chronic anxiety and depression. Which criterion of abnormal behaviour most closely matches her symptoms? A) severe mental distress B) self-defeating behaviour C) unusual behaviour D) faulty perception of reality 18) Sigi is an alcoholic and an obsessive gambler. He has lost his wife, family, and job because of his drinking and gambling. Which criterion of abnormal behaviour most closely matches his symptoms? A) severe mental distress B) self-defeating behaviour C) faulty perception of reality D) dangerous behaviour 19) Megan has an intense fear of going to the mall to shop, to concerts, or to any other place in which there may be large crowds of people. Her fears are best described as ________. A) claustrophobia B) delusional disorder C) agoraphobia D) conversion disorder 20) Tosha has attempted suicide several times and insists she will make another attempt when she has an opportunity. Which criterion of abnormal behaviour most closely matches her behaviour? A) dangerous behaviour B) self-defeating behaviour C) socially unacceptable behaviour D) faulty perception of reality