Multiple Choice 1.American involvement in Vietnam peaked in a.1963. b.1965. c.1968. d.1973. 2.Effects of the Vietnam War included the a.erosion of the nation’s confidence in its government. b.obliteration of Communism in Asia. c.surrender of the Viet Cong. d.growth of support for further wars to halt nationalist movements. 3.President Johnson’s advisers convinced him that was unwise to form a political alliance with Martin Luther King, Jr. b.he should not pursue significant social reforms. c.the air force should not be used in Vietnam. d.controlled military escalation could secure Vietnam. 4.The search-and-destroy strategy began to fail because a.the Chinese sent reinforcements to the aid of North Vietnam. b.Congress would not expand use of the military draft. c.South Vietnamese guerrillas were more of a force than North Vietnam’s troops. d.the United States was reluctant to back up infantry detachments with air strikes. 5.The majority of the draftees and enlistees for military service in Vietnam a.were college students. b.came from the Lower South. c.averaged about 25 years of age. d.were from working-class families. 6.Millions of young people in the second half of the 1960s expressed their alienation from American society by sampling drugs or chasing the rainbow of a youth culture; this is referred to as a.the “yuppie culture.†b.the counterculture. c.consumerism. d.the “drug culture.†7.The growth of the “Woodstock Generation†in the 1960s revealed that a.many Americans were turning toward socialism. b.there was no connection between social dissent and the counterculture. c.hippies were usually from the poorest segments of American society. d.a feeling of alienation existed within American society. 8.Events in the Watts section of Los Angeles in 1965 showed that a.the Democratic Party was calming the anger of poor Americans. b.grassroots democracy was succeeding by using nonviolence. c.there was growing power in nonviolent civil disobedience. d.racial unrest could result in violent riots. 9.The phrase “Black Power†was connected to all of the following EXCEPT a.the emphasis of Christian love in civil rights strategies. b.celebrating African-American heritage. c.controlling local black communities through political activism. d.the messages of speeches given by Stokely Carmichael and Malcolm X. 10.Malcolm X was assassinated by rivals within the Black Muslims after he a.began to consider limited acceptance of white culture. b.advocated a bloody race war. c.refused to run for president. d.announced he would not make a pilgrimage to Mecca. Â