11) Which of the following is NOT a category of intentional injury? A) Rape B) Suicide C) Accident D) Abuse 12) A(n) _____________occurs shortly after an injury and is when a patient may be more receptive to learning about how a similar injury can be prevented in the future. A) Teachable moment B) Injury surveillance C) Field investigation D) Analytic study 13) Epidemiologically speaking, an ongoing process that determines the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of activities related to public health initiatives is called: A) Linkage B) Evaluation C) Policy development D) Field evaluation 14) A(n) ____________ program must also include a component for the timely dissemination of data to those who need to know. A) Injury surveillance B) Primary prevention C) Field investigation D) Unintentional injury 15) Which of the following is an example of how EMS providers can be involved in community injury prevention? A) Transporting an unconscious trauma patient to a level 1 center B) Performing CPR on an elderly patient in cardiac arrest C) Participating in a high school drunk driving crash scenario D) Being an advocate to attain the latest technology and equipment 16) What is required from EMS providers at every level for any prevention program to succeed? A) They must instruct others in the fundamentals of primary prevention. B) They must understand the need for involvement in prevention activities. C) They must participate in all continuing education activities offered in their system. D) They must know all the different types of on-scene survival techniques. 17) When developing and measuring the success of prevention programs, each EMS agency should contribute data to all of the following agencies, EXCEPT: A) Local B) International C) Federal D) State 18) The ultimate factor in achieving success in an EMS prevention program lies in the hands of: A) Frontline personnel B) EMS managers C) Medical directors D) Community leaders 19) The guidelines of ___________ outlines how employers and employees share responsibility for ensuring that standard precautions are used to assist in preventing contamination from blood and other bodily fluids. A) HIPAA B) AHA C) AMA D) OSHA 20) Which of the following is NOT part of the commitment that an EMS provider needs to have to prevent illness and injury? A) Parking the unit in the safest place to load the patient, then directing traffic B) Being familiar with local and state traffic laws and obeying them C) Consistently incorporating exercise and a health-minded attitude into his life D) Knowing his limits and taking time out to relax when necessary


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