91) One problem with the Guilty Knowledge Test is that individuals who have committed a crime may not have noticed or may have forgotten key aspects of a crime scene that are being examined in the GKT test. When this happens, this means that the test has a high _______________ rate. a. false-positive b. true-positive c. false-negative d. true-negative 92) Lawrence has applied for a new job in an academic setting, and the employers request that Lawrence take a test to determine his level of honesty. He is asked questions about his history of cheating, attitudes towards cheating, and perceptions of others’ honesty. What type of test was most likely administered by the employers? a. An integrity test b. A guilty knowledge test c. A control question test d. Voice stress analysis 93) The test that is based on the assumption that criminals usually conceal knowledge about the crime is known as a. the controlled question test. b. the integrity test. c. the polygraph test. d. the guilty knowledge test. 94) Which of the following tests will most likely have a lower false-positive rate? a. The guilty knowledge test b. The controlled question test c. The polygraph test d. The integrity test 95) The polygraph test yields a high rate of ________________. a. false positives b. false negatives c. true positives d. true negatives 96) What can be said of memories that are elicited using truth serum? a. They are always false. b. They are always truthful. c. They are a mixture of truths and falsehoods. d. They are only imaginations. 97) Recent research concerning brain scans and deception have found that a. fMRIs can distinguish truths from lies with very high accuracy. b. brain activations associated with lying may be similar or identical to those associated with thinking about lying. c. integrity tests are much better than brain scans at identifying liars. d. brain waves are more sensitive to truth detection than to lie detection. 98) Julian and other new corrections recruits have been asked to write a test that assesses their tendency to steal, cheat, or be dishonest. Julian is taking what type of test? a. Voice stress analysis b. Integrity test c. Concealed information test d. Control question test 99) Which of the following is true about positive psychology? a. It is associated with people’s long-term life satisfaction. b. It emphasizes coping, love, and happiness. c. It enhances people’s full emotional potential. d. All of the above 100) Positive psychology can be thought of as a. shifting the focus of psychology from cognitive to Gestalt. b. shifting the focus from achievement to self-actualization. c. shifting the focus from negatives to more positives in psychology while focusing on strengths. d. shifting the focus from the abstract to the tangible.


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