21) Exploring how teachers’ categorization of students affects students’ experiences of education as well as their opportunities for achieving success in school best reflects which sociological perspective? a. conflict theory b. symbolic interactionism c. functionalism d. feminism 22) The self-fulfilling prophecy refers to a. “I think, therefore I am.” b. if a person believes something to be real, it will have real consequences. c. how individuals strive for what they wish to be. d. how individuals sometimes come to embody what they are labeled. 23) When a teacher holds low expectations of a given student or set of students, s/he risks perpetuating the phenomenon known as a. functionalist fulfillment. b. self-fulfilling prophecy. c. blaming the victim. d. “low balling.” 24) ____________ are concerned with gendered patterns of interaction in school settings: a. Conflict theorists b. Symbolic interactionists c. Functionalists d. Feminists 25) In this year, following a proposal spearheaded by parents and in response to the marginalization of black students in the mainstream school system in Toronto, the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) voted in favour of piloting an Afrocentric alternative school. a. 1968 b. 1974 c. 1990 d. 2008 26) In Canada today, male undergraduates dominate in these disciplines: a. mathematics and engineering b. history and sociology c. all of the humanities d. philosophy and law 27) This phrase has been used to draw attention to the lack of warmth or encouragement that girls and women often feel in school as a result of sexism. a. double jeopardy b. chilly climate c. hidden curriculum d. hegemonic sexism 28) Women faculty members in Canadian universities are congregated in the ________ ranks. a. low b. middle c. high d. mid to high range 29) An action-oriented educational and political strategy for institutional and systemic change that addresses the issue of racism and the interlocking systems of social oppression is known by this category: a. intersectional education b. multi-dimensional education c. anti-racist education d. multicultural education 30) In American primary schools, who are the least likely recipients of teacher attention? a. white boys b. white girls c. visible minority boys d. visible minority girls


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