4.5 Inferential Statistics 1)If you were interested in testing for mean differences between performance of the same participants under two different conditions, you could use A)a t-test for independent groups. B)a correlated t-test. C)a repeated measures ANOVA. D)either a correlated t-test or a repeated measures ANOVA. 2)Which of the following is NOT a requirement to use the t-test for independent groups? A)Two samples of participants. B)Different participants appear in each sample. C)Having two or more independent variables. D)Participants are not matched. 3)If a t-test is to be used, within-subject designs require the use of a A)t-test for independent groups. B)correlated t-test. C)independent sample t-test. D)difference t-test. 4)If you wish to know whether the results of your experiment are likely to have been obtained by chance, you should use A)the mean. B)descriptive statistics. C)inferential statistics. D)random number tables. 5)The t-test for independent groups is typically used with A)score data from two independent samples. B)any kind of categorical data. C)score data from non-independent samples. D)any kind of numerical data. 6)The type of t-test most appropriate for use in a within-subjects design is A)the t-test for independent groups. B)the correlated t-test. C)the random t-test. D)any of several t-tests. 7)The statistical test appropriate to test for mean differences among more than two groups is A)a t-test for independent groups. B)a chi-square test. C)a correlated t-test. D)an analysis of variance (ANOVA). 8)The analysis of variance (ANOVA) actually compares A)the variance of all the groups. B)the standard error of all the groups. C)the means of all the groups. D)the standard deviation of all the groups. 9)When we talk about factorial designs, factors are A)independent variables. B)dependent variables. C)the number of levels of an independent variable. D)the number of levels of a dependent variable. 10)A factorial design has two or more A)levels of each dependent variable. B)correlated variables. C)dependent variables. D)independent variables. Â