Quiz #2: 1. Dr. Sanchez studies how we prepare for our own deaths and how we cope with loss. Dr. Sanchez is a(n) a. mortalogist. b. actuaralist. c. thanatologist. d. euthanalogist. 2. __________ is the last of the four concepts of understanding death to be fully realized by a child, usually around age 10. a. Irreversibility b. Non-functionality c. Personal mortality d. Bereavement 3. Chad is thirty years old and is recalling his childhood memories of the death of a pet and of his favorite aunt. The most frequent emotion that he is likely to report will be a. anger. b. confusion. c. overwhelming sadness. d. fear. 4. Which of the following would NOT be a good suggestion for parents to help their children to cope with effects of media coverage of a tragedy, such as the Virginia Tech massacre?  a. Try to shield children from the truth by speculating on the best case scenario. b. Spend time reading or playing quiet games with children before bed. c. Let children know that it is okay to feel upset. d. Avoid appearing anxious or frightened by modeling being calm and in control. 5. Specific criteria for brain death differ around the world, but typical laws require physicians to document a lack of brain activity a. throughout the brain. b. on more than one occasion. c. in the lower brainstem that controls our pupils and other reflexes. d. regarding all of these aspects. 6. Patients in a persistent vegetative state a. have a sleep-wake cycle. b. are able to groan. c. are able to turn toward a sound or smile. d. exhibit all of these symptoms. 7. If Emma is experiencing the terminal drop, she would show a significant decline in  a. her ability to walk. b. her visual and auditory acuity. c. certain cognitive functions. d. all of these. 8. Abdul has been bedridden with cancer for several months and is near death. He tells his wife that he sees his parents in the room, although his parents died over 20 years ago. Abdul is experiencing    a. terminal delirium. b. thanalogical decline. c. delusional paranoia. d. the delirium tremors. 9. Seriously ill patients, who are near death, are often cared for in a(n)_________, in which the visiting hours are restricted and where there is little privacy. The atmosphere is often very noisy due to the monitors, respirators, and other equipment present. a. “swing bed†unit b. hospice unit c. emergency room d. intensive care unit 10. Antonio has terminal cancer and is receiving ________ care, which involves measures that are taken to relieve his pain and other distressing symptoms of his illness since there is no possibility of a cure. a. compassionate b. psychosomatic c. palliative d. familial