71. To give the gist of someone’s statement in your own words is to a. paraphrase. b. hypothesize. c. corroborate. d. testify. e. quote. 72. According to your textbook, when presenting testimony in a speech, you should usually paraphrase the testimony, rather than quote it verbatim, if a. the quotation is more than two or three sentences long. b. you need to alter the quotation so it will say what you need to prove your point. c. the wording of the quotation is obscure or cumbersome. d. all of the above. e. a and c only. 73. How does the following excerpt from a classroom speech violate the guidelines for supporting materials presented in your textbook? According to NFL commissioner Robert Goodell, league officials had no knowledge that concussions posed a danger to their players. a. It doesn’t present information from an unbiased source. b. It doesn’t indicate whether the information came from the Internet. c. It doesn’t identify the source of the information. d. all of the above e. a and b only 74. How does the following excerpt from a classroom speech violate the guidelines for supporting materials presented in your textbook? According to the American Dairy Producers Association, Americans need to drink more milk to make sure they are getting enough calcium and vitamin D every day. a. It doesn’t identify the source of the information. b. It doesn’t present information from an unbiased source. c. It doesn’t indicate whether the information came from the Internet. d. all of the above e. a and b only 75. How does the following excerpt from a classroom speech violate the guidelines for supporting materials presented in your textbook? According to a study earlier this year by the Meyers Survey Research Company funded by McDonald’s, there is no clear correlation between obesity and the consumption of fast food. a. It doesn’t indicate whether the information came from the Internet. b. It doesn’t present information from an unbiased source. c. It doesn’t include statistics. d. all of the above e. b and c only Â


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