21) Which of the following is not a type of crowd? a. casual crowd b. conventional crowd c. expressive crowds d. rumour crowd 22) This type of crowd gathers to achieve an emotionally driven goal, confronts it, and then fades away. a. casual crowd b. mob c. riot d. conventional crowd 23) Of the four types of crowds distinguished by Blumer, a collection of people who just happen to be in the same place at the same time—for example, people attending a street festival—exemplify a/an _____________ crowd. a. expressive b. conventional c. casual d. acting 24) A planned gathering of people who converge in a public place for a brief and predetermined period of time and then disperse after the event is a a. flash crowd b. flash mob c. protest d. riot 25) A short-lived but enthusiastically embraced new cultural element, such as tongue-piercing and bungee jumping, is formulated by sociologists as a a. craze. b. fad. c. trend. d. public hysteria. 26) This theory applies social psychological principles to understand why people behave differently when they are in groups than when they are alone. a. contagion theory b. convergence theory c. emergent norm theory d. psychosocial theory 27) When the Globe and Mail describes participants in an anti-poverty demonstration as having “lost their minds in a wild and mindless crowd,” it is exemplifying a basic assumption of this theory: a. convergence theory b. emergent norm theory c. contagion theory d. conflict theory 28) This theory argues that the group is not the source of negative, irrational behaviour. Instead, negative, irrational behaviour is located in the person. a. contagion theory b. convergence theory c. emergent norm theory d. psychosocial theory 29) Located within a symbolic interactionist approach, this theory suggests that aggressive or anti-social behaviours are viewed as resulting from an adjustment to new norms that emerge within a given group and in certain situation. a. contagion theory b. convergence theory c. emergency norm theory d. psychosocial theory 30) Which of the following is not a characteristic of those who participate in social movements? a. They have a shared common identity. b. They rely on non-institutionalized networks of interactions. c. They reject or challenge dominant forms of power. d. They accept tradition.