11.General guidelines for writing test items include: a.the frequent use of negative statements. b.the use of complex, compound sentences to challenge the examinees. c.the avoidance of inadvertent cues to the answers. d.arranging items in a non-systematic manner. 12.When developing maximum performance tests, it is best to arrange the items: a.from easiest to hardest. b.from hardest to easiest. the order the information was taught. d.randomly. 13.Including more selected-response and other time-efficient items can: a.enhance the sampling of the content domain and increase reliability. b.enhance the sampling of the content domain and decrease reliability. c.introduce construct irrelevant variance. d.decrease validity. 14.In order to determine the number of items to include on a test, one should consider the: a.age of examinees. b.purpose of test. c.types of items. d.type of test. e.All of the above 15.__________ are reported as the most popular selected-response items. a.Essays b.Matching c.Multiple-choice d.True-false 16.When writing multiple-choice items, one advantage to the ______________ is that it may present the problem in a more concise manner. format b.incomplete sentence format c.indirect question format 17.What would be the recommended multiple-choice format for the stem: ‘What does 10×10 equal?’ a.Best answer b.Correct answer c.Closed negative d.Double negative 18.Which multiple-choice answer format requires the examinee to make subtle distinctions among distracters? a.Best answer b.Correct answer c.Closed negative d.Double negative 19.Which of the following is NOT a guideline for developing true-false items? a.Include more than one idea in the statement. b.Avoid using specific determiners such as all, none, or never. c.Ensure that true and false statements are approximately the same length. d.Avoid using moderate determiners such as sometimes and usually. 20.What is a strength of true-false items? a.They can measure very complex objectives. b.Examinees can answer many items in a short period of time. c.They are not vulnerable to guessing.


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