31.The Warren Commission a.investigated allegations of a cover-up in the Watergate scandal. b.left many loose ends in its investigation of the Kennedy assassination. c.censured Senator Joseph McCarthy. d.declared that segregation was not a serious problem in the South. 32.Who was sworn in as president immediately after John Kennedy’s death? a.Dwight Eisenhower b.Lyndon Johnson c.Gerald Ford d.Richard Nixon 33.All of the following statements about Lyndon Johnson are true EXCEPT which of the following? a.He supported an ambitious program of social reform. b.He declared an aggressive attack aimed at alleviating poverty. c.He was especially knowledgeable in all aspects of American foreign policy. d.He was very successful at getting domestic reforms passed in Congress. 34.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 a.prohibited segregation in public facilities. b.was defeated in the House of Representatives. c.was not backed by Lyndon Johnson. d.guaranteed blacks the right to vote. 35.During the Freedom Summer, a.students marched to Washington, D.C., to protest the Vietnam War. b.black and white activists registered black voters in Mississippi. c.activists were not victimized by violence. d.Sheriff Bull Connor ordered that dogs should be used against civil rights marchers. 36.Prior to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, a.northern blacks had not been allowed to vote in city elections. b.Lyndon Johnson had not been a strong advocate of civil rights legislation. c.the Republican Party had been the lone supporter of civil rights. d.the vast majority of blacks in the South were denied the right to vote. 37.The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution a.declared the official end of the Korean War. b.resulted in the resignation of Richard Nixon. c.caused the Soviet Union to dismantle its nuclear missiles in Cuba. d.gave President Johnson the power to wage undeclared war in Vietnam. 38.Lyndon Johnson was responsible for the creation and passage of all of the following EXCEPT: a.the Alliance for Progress. b.the Voting Rights Act of 1965. c.Medicare. d.the National Endowment for the Humanities. 39.The passage of Great Society programs was made possible primarily by a.a series of favorable Supreme Court rulings on their potential constitutionality. b.the support of many moderate Republicans. c.the support of nearly all southern Democrats. d.the large majorities Democrats gained in Congress in the 1964 elections. 40.Which of the following was NOT one of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs? a.Social Security b.Medicare c.Medicaid