41) Choose the correct shape, weak or strong field, and number of unpaired electrons for [Ni(C2O4)3]4-. A) square planar, strong, 4 B) octahedral, weak, 2 C) square planar, weak, 0 D) tetrahedral, weak, 0 E) octahedral, weak, 3 42) Choose the correct shape, weak or strong field, and number of unpaired electrons for [Co(NH3)4]2+. A) octahedral, weak, 3 B) octahedral, strong, 3 C) square planar, strong, 1 D) tetrahedral, weak, 1 E) tetrahedral, strong, 1 43) Choose the correct shape, weak or strong field, and number of unpaired electrons for [Co(ox)3]4-. A) tetrahedral, weak, 3 B) tetrahedral, strong, 3 C) square planar, strong, 3 D) octahedral, weak, 3 E) octahedral, strong, 5 44) Choose the correct shape, weak or strong field, and number of unpaired electrons for [CoI6]3-. A) tetrahedral, strong, 2 B) tetrahedral, weak, 4 C) square planar, strong, 0 D) octahedral, strong, 5 E) octahedral, weak, 4 45) The hexaaquachromium(III) ion absorbs light in the green part of the visible spectrum, thereby appearing to have the color: A) blue B) cyan C) green D) purple E) yellow 46) Of the following complex ions, two appear violet in aqueous solution, one appears purple, one appears blue-green, and one appears yellow. Which is yellow? A) [Cr(H2O)6]3+ B) [CrCl(H2O)5]2+ C) [CrCl(NH3)5]2+ D) [CrCl2(NH3)4]+ E) [Cr(NH3)6]3+ 47) Using the stepwise formation constants given, calculate the net formation constant for the [Cu(H2NCH2CH2NH2)2]2+ complex. Cu2+ + en → [Cu(en)]2+K1 = 5.2 × 1010 [Cu(en)]2+ + en → [Cu(en)2]2+K2 = 2.0 × 109 A) 2.6 × 101 B) 2.5 × 109 C) 5.4 × 1010 D) 7.9 × 1019 E) 1.0 × 1020 48) What is the approximate concentration of free Ni2+ remaining at equilibrium in a solution prepared by mixing 5.0 mL of 0.10 M NiCl2 with 5.0 mL of 2.0 M NH3(aq)? [The net formation constant for the hexamminenickel(II) ion is 5.5 × 108.] A) 1.8 × 10-9 M B) 7.7 × 10-10 M C) 1.3 × 10-10 M D) 2.4 × 10-10 M E) 0.050 M 49) What is the approximate concentration of free Cu2+ remaining at equilibrium in a solution prepared by mixing 5.0 mL of 0.10 M CuCl2 with 5.0 mL of 2.0 M ethylenediamine? [The net formation constant for the bis(ethylenediaminecopper(II) ion is 1 × 1020.] A) 9 × 10-22 M B) 7 × 10-22 M C) 2 × 10-22 M D) 1 × 10-21 M E) 6 × 10-22 M 50) What is the approximate concentration of free Ni2+ remaining at equilibrium in a solution prepared by mixing 5.0 mL of 0.10 M NiCl2 with 5.0 mL of 2.00 M ethylenediamine? [The net formation constant for the tris(ethylenediaminenickel(II) ion is 2.1 × 1018.] A) 0.050 M B) 1.4 × 10-19 M C) 4.8 × 10-19 M D) 3.9 × 10-20 M E) 2.8 × 10-20 M


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