1) Which of the following is the correct order of events after an endotracheal tube has been properly inserted? A) Inflate the cuff with 5 to 10 cc of air, secure the tube, listen for equal breath sounds bilaterally, and listen for breath sounds over the epigastrium. B) Inflate the cuff with 5 to 10 cc of air, auscultate the epigastrium and then the lungs, and secure the tube. C) Secure the tube, listen for breath sounds over the epigastrium, listen for equal breath sounds bilaterally, and inflate the cuff with 5 to 10 cc of air. D) Inflate the cuff with 5 to 10 cc of air, listen for breath sounds over the epigastrium, listen for equal breath sounds bilaterally, and secure the tube. 2) The patient with COPD may benefit from oxygen delivery through a Venturi mask because: A) Oxygen concentration is controlled more carefully B) It delivers intermittent positive pressure to the airway C) It both protects the airway and delivers oxygen D) it delivers the highest oxygen concentration possible 3) A peak flow meter measures: A) Inspiratory reserve volume B) Tidal volume C) The force of expiratory volume D) Respiratory efficacy during forced expiration 4) Applying posteriorly directed pressure on the cricoid cartilage to facilitate endotracheal intubation is also referred to as: A) Digital intubation B) Cricoid pressure C) Retrograde intubation D) Cricothyrotomy 5) When swallowing occurs, the structure that occludes the tracheal opening to prevent aspiration of food and liquid is the: A) Cricoid cartilage B) Epiglottis C) Pyriform fossa D) Uvula 6) Moderate hypoxia is indicated with a pulse oximeter reading of ________ percent. A) 86 to 90 B) 95 to 100 C) 81 to 85 D) 90 to 94 7) During spontaneous breathing, which of the following reflexes prevents overinflation of the lungs? A) Cheyne-Stokes B) Hering-Breuer C) Apneustic D) Cushing’s 8) Which of the following is an objective technique to verify proper endotracheal tube placement? A) Direct visualization B) Esophageal detector device C) Tube misting D) Auscultation 9) Which of the following interferes with ventilation in the presence of a flail segment? A) The ability to generate positive intrathoracic pressure is impaired. B) Intrathoracic pressure increases on the affected side. C) Intrathoracic pressure decreases on the affected side. D) The ability to generate negative intrathoracic pressure is impaired. 10) Progressively deeper, faster breathing alternating gradually with shallow, slower breathing is called: A) Cheyne-Stokes respirations B) Kussmaul’s respirations C) Biot’s respirations D) Agonal respirations 1