31) The studies of the Juke and Kallikak families emphasized ________ as the primary source of criminality. a. Environment b. Ecology c. Genetics d. physical shape e. psychology 32) A condition characterized by low blood sugar and said to reduce the mind’s capacity to effectively reason or to judge the long-term consequences of behaviour is known as ________. a. Testosterone b. Eugenics c. Hypoglycemia d. Supermale e. hyperglycemia 33) Konrad Lorenz’s greatest contribution to the study of human behaviour may have been his claim that all human behaviour is, to at least some degree, _______________________________. a. ectomorphic behaviour b. endomorphic behaviour c. adapted instinctive behaviour d. the born criminal tendency e. social environmentalist preconditioning 34) Studies of ________ twins, that is, those which develop from the same egg and carry virtually the same genetic material, tend to support the notion that criminal tendencies are inherited. a. schizoid b. dizygotic c. born criminal d. monozyotic e. adopted 35) ________ is the systematic study of the biological basis of all social behaviour. a. Sociobiology b. Phrenology c. Positivism d. Somatotypology e. Criminal anthropology 36) Although ________ recognize social factors in the development of personality, they suggest that constitutional factors predispose a person to specific types of behaviour and that societal reactions to such predispositions may determine, to a large degree, the form of continued behaviour. a. Cesare Lombroso and Ernst Kretschmer b. James Q. Wilson and Richard J. Herrnstein c. James Q. Wilson and Johann Gasper Spurzheim d. Konrad Lorenz and William Sheldon e. Charles Darwin and Konrad Lorenz 37) According to C. Ray Jeffrey, a comprehensive biologically-based program of crime prevention and crime control would include ________. a. Trephination b. Eugenics c. Phrenology d. Atavisms e. pre- and postnatal care for pregnant women and their infants 38) According to Lombroso, women exhibit far less anatomical variation than do men but he also insisted that criminal behaviour among women, as among men, derived from ____________ foundations. a. Somatotype b. Hedonistic c. Atavistic d. YYX e. phrenologistc 39) Constitutional factors which James Q. Wilson and Richard J. Herrnstein cite as contributing to crime include: age, body type, intelligence, personality, and ________. a. Upbringing b. Gender c. Educational attainment d. Crowding e. socioeconomic status 40) According to a recent study published by Swiss researchers, a small protein called oxytocin, better known as the ________, appears to make people more trusting. a. labeling hormone b. trust hormone c. atavistic hormone d. criminogenic hormone e. juke hormone


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