121) What is the relationship between temperature and aggression? a. Increases in temperature reduce the rate of violent crime because people are lethargic and stay inside in front of their fans or air conditioners. b. Decreases in temperature increase the rate of violent crime because people are less observant during colder months and there are fewer witnesses on the street to stop a crime in progress. c. Increases in temperature increase the rate of violent crime because warm temperatures make people irritable and more likely to lose their temper when provoked or frustrated. d. There is no clear relationship between temperature and aggressive behaviours. 122) Females engage in higher rates of _____________ aggression than males. a. verbal b. physical c. sexual d. relational 123) Who is more likely to engage in physical aggression? a. Billy, who was raised in North Dakota b. Mao Lin, who was raised in Beijing c. Beau, who was raised in Savannah d. Tanaka, who was raised in Tokyo 124) The highest level of aggression would be found in a. males who are low in testosterone. b. females who are high in estrogen. c. female spotted (or “laughing”) hyenas. d. male spotted (or “laughing”) hyenas. 125) A belief a. is a conclusion regarding factual evidence. b. includes an emotional component. c. is an attitude. d. includes a behavioural component. 126) An attitude a. is a conclusion regarding factual evidence. b. includes an emotional component. c. predicts behaviour reasonably well. d. All of the above 127) Robin is completing an online survey and is asked the following questions: (1) How do you feel about abortion? and (2) Do you think that abortions should be provided to pregnant teenagers without parental consent? The first question is assessing Robin’s _____________ and the second question is assessing her _____________. a. belief; attitude b. attitude; belief c. schema; stereotype d. stereotype; schema 128) Which of the following individuals would be most likely to act in accordance with an attitude that they hold against drunk driving? a. An extrovert who has driven while intoxicated before and not been caught b. An introvert who monitors her behaviour very carefully across social situations c. A low self-monitor who lost his best friend because of an accident involving a drunk driver d. A high self-monitor who is somewhat ambivalent about driving under the influence of alcohol 129) A trait that assesses the extent to which people’s behaviours reflect their true feelings and attitudes is called a. an accessible characteristic. b. self-monitoring. c. a belief. d. predictive. 130) The shortcut that helps a person to make typically accurate snap decisions is called a. a belief. b. an attitude. c. a recognition heuristic. d. a self-monitor.


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