11)The fastest growing family type in Canada during the 1990-2000 decade was A)grandparent families. B)lone father families. C)homeless families. D)lone mother families. E)nuclear families. 12)Around what percentage of lone mother families are below the low income cutoff? A) 5% B) 40% C) 52% D)10% E) 25% 13)What is the package deal of marriage? A)An economic alliance between a man and a woman who are devoted to their careers and family lives equally B)Regular sexual intercourse in exchange for commitment and support C)A economic union between two families D)A house, a car, two kids and a dog E)An economic alliance where men can earn more and economically subordinate women devote themselves to child rearing. 14)What proportion of families in the United States consisted of single-mother families in 2004? A)About 3%. B)About 13%. C)About 23%. D)About 53%. E)About 73%. 15)Why does divorce or separation tumble women with dependent children into poverty? A)Divorced or separated women are too bitter to enter or remain in paid employment. B)Women often have to pay alimony to their ex-husbands after divorce which decreases their monthly income. C)Marriage is viewed as an economic alliance between men and women, with women being dependent on the man economically. D)Employers may not be willing to hire a woman with fewer work skills, less training or education and sole responsibility of dependent children. E)Both C and D. 16)According to the text, after ‘coming out’ couples often A)agree to stay together. B)decrease parental involvement. C)move to another city to avoid each other. D)find religion to help them through it. E)have mental breakdowns. 17)Latchkey children are defined as A)children who do not attend an educational institution. B)children who are never left unattended by an adult. C)children that are left at day care for long periods of time. D)children that are left without adult supervision for some part of the day. E)children who do not any living biological parents. 18)Lone parent families have posed problems for policy makers because they A)are often living in poverty. B)have very powerful support groups. C)use their reproductive capabilities to get subsides. D)demand free daycare. E)are unwilling to work. 19)Which of the following models is used to help guide Canada’s policies towards lone parent families? A)Family oriented model B)Kinship based model C)State based model D)A combination of A & B E)A combination of A & C 20)Lone mothers in the United States and Canada have been deemed: A)slothful. B)manipulative. C)inadequate mothers. D)irresponsible. E)All of the above.