191)Experimenter effects, such as those found by Rosenthal (1966), are likely to occur as a result of: A)nonverbal cues. B)dishonest researchers. C)intentional biasing of researchers. D)dishonest participants. 192)A well-known study on experimenter effects using rats labelled as “maze bright” and “maze dull” was conducted by ________ in 1966. A)Alex Jacobsen B)Robert Rosenthal C)B. F. Skinner D)Wade Tavris 193)Unintended changes in subjects’ behaviour due to cues inadvertently given by the experimenter are called: A)replications. B)volunteer biases. C)single-blind studies. D)experimenter effects. 194)The purpose of a single-blind or double-blind study is to: A)eliminate the effects of expectations on the results of an experiment. B)examine the difference between the experimental and control groups C)compare people blind in one eye with people blind in both eyes. D)examine the effects of the independent variable on the experimental group. 195)Many psychologists have called for more field research because experimental studies: A)cannot identify cause and effect. B)do not allow firm conclusions to be drawn. C)may be missing vital information due to participants’ inaccurate memories. D)often involve artificial situations. 196)________ is an experiment in which neither the subjects nor the individuals running the experiment know if subjects are in the experimental or the control group until after the results are tallied. A)The double-blind study B)The single-blind study C)Field research D)Correlational research 197)Many psychologists have called for more field research because experimental studies: A)cannot identify cause and effect. B)do not allow firm conclusions to be drawn. C)often involve artificial situations. D)may be missing vital information due to subjects’ inaccurate memories. 198)Field research may yield better results than laboratory research because: A)placebos don’t need to be used. B)subjects don’t know they are in an experiment. C)the situation is less artificial. D)there is no control group. 199)Which of the following problems is NOT common to both experiments and surveys? A)Participants may not be representative of the larger population. B)Subjects may not behave honestly. C)Generalization may be limited if subjects are not selected randomly. D)It is not possible to determine cause and effect. 200)Which of the following is NOT a problem with experiments? A)Experimenter bias may affect subjects’ performance. B)Generalization may be limited because the situation is artificial. C)Use of volunteers may bias the results. D)Cause and effect cannot be determined in an experiment.


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